03 | curveballs & home-runs

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i originally had jk as a photographer
working in his town in a small photo shop
so why i decided to change it kinda makes
me mad bc I shouldn't have :/

oh well but here's to another chapter!

Jeongguk couldn't remember the last time his life was

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Jeongguk couldn't remember the last time his life was... normal. As in normal, when he was attending college and didn't have a one year old glued to his hip, always tugging at his pant legs and constantly wanting his undivided attention.

Minjee changed his entire life when she entered it, but sometimes— as selfish as it may sound— he really did miss those days where he didn't have to worry about a child and only had to concern over himself.

Having a baby was great, and he'd do it over again in a heartbeat, but he wished he would've started a family later down the road, with someone he liked and actually wanted to be a part of her life.

But having a kid with someone who's not a part of the child's life was draining, because he was doing literally everything by himself. The struggles of raising a kid as a single parents was tiring, and he was beginning to feel a bit burnt out.

Minjee brings him an immense amount of joy, but sometimes he wonders why he had to bring her into this world where he was financially struggling and worried about whether or not they'll be getting evicted in the next few months or so.

He didn't necessarily regret taking the responsibility of raising a child, but more of the fact that he started so young. He didn't really get to live his life and get the full college experience.

Having a baby in this day and age was typical now. Everywhere he looked someone was knocked up. Some were broken families and the children deserved better parents, or others were coparenting but just as broken.

He wasn't one to gloat about the kind of life he had; it was nothing special. The only good thing that came out of it was Minjee, but even that was a cliche reason to give someone.

"You need a night out," Namjoon said as he sat down on the couch in Jeongguk's living room, a bowl of chips in his hand.

Jeongguk followed behind him with a beer in his, "No, I don't."

The older rolled his eyes as he sipped on his own beer, setting it down on the table before turning to Jeongguk. "Yes, you do," He said, causing Jeongguk to sigh. "Come on. You've been going at this for an entire year now. You deserve a break."

"The only thing I deserve right now is another beer," Jeongguk stood, empty beer bottle in his hand as he headed to the kitchen to toss it in the trash.

"I'm serious, Gguk," Namjoon called from the living room, "You've been taking care of Minjee nonstop. You deserve a break. Just for one night."

Jeongguk sighed, walking back into the living room as he twisted the cap off his bottle, taking a seat beside the other. "I don't know, man. Minjee needs me. I can't leave," He said.

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