12 | spooky season & christmas movies

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Halloween was a complete success this year, although they had a bit of trouble at the start of the night

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Halloween was a complete success this year, although they had a bit of trouble at the start of the night.

Jeongguk had misplaced Minjee's costume after believing he had put it away in her closet, hoping to keep it safe and out of the way, ready for it to be used when it was time for the little girl to dress up for the night.

He spent hours looking for it, unable to find it and depict where he had placed it. How it ended up at Taehyung's was beyond fucking him at this point. Taehyung reassured him it was only because he had brought it over to gloat about the cute sushi costume he found online, squealing like a girl about how cute Minjee would look in it.

Jeongguk doesn't remember leaving it there, but was glad when it was finally found so she could go out and gather some candy herself. When he pulled in on and over her head, he doesn't remember smiling so big where his cheeks were physically hurting and was unable to hold himself back as he snapped some quick pictures of her to add to her baby book later.

When Taehyung finally came over after his phone was being blown up with text after text from Jeongguk, urging him to come over and how he needed him right then and there, the brunette assumed it was some godawful emergency and rushed over as soon as he could, heart palpitating in his chest as he parked his car and barged through the front door.

After finding out what the big emergency was, he made sure to smack Jeongguk behind the closed door to his bedroom, anger bubbling in his chest as the rush of adrenaline began to cool down from his red-hot veins, relieved no one was seriously injured. Jeongguk laughed the entire time, claiming he didn't mean to sound like that, especially over text and promises it wouldn't happen again.

As much as Taehyung wanted to believe him, he had Jeongguk have been going out for a good month now, and there were absolutely no surprises at this point. Every day was a different day with the ravenette, cracking some joke he's never heard before and making him laugh until his belly hurt.

Other than losing Minjee's costume and Taehyung almost making a trip to the emergency room after the chest pains Jeongguk was causing him, the night went smooth and according to plan. Minjee received a lot of candy that the ravenette knew she wouldn't finish by next Halloween, only for it to go stale and have to be thrown out.

Taehyung attended going around the neighborhood with them after Jeongguk voiced his concerns about being seen together. The brunette continued denying, somehow convincing him it would be okay and how it would be too dark to be seen anyway.

Either way, Taehyung accompanied them and helped Minjee hit all the good houses that were giving away the good stuff.

"Okay, after reading the same story three times and a glass of water, I finally got her down," Taehyung sighed, exhausted as he slumped by the doorframe with the baby monitor in his left hand.

Jeongguk glanced up from the tv where he was sitting on the couch, grinning, chuckling as he skimmed over the brunette with such fondness in his eyes, patting the empty space beside him.

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