10 | pleasantly tipsy & terrifyingly sober

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How did this even happen?

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How did this even happen?

How did Jeon Jeongguk get asked out twice by the same guy who has been avoiding him for a week now? Was he lucky or was God playing some cruel, sick joke on him?

Fuck, the hour was approaching fast and he couldn't figure out what to wear. They were going to a simple diner close to Taehyung's house so he wasn't going to wear anything too classy but something casual. Why was he nervous? He's been on a... date with Taehyung before so he should be used to this, right?

Wrong. There was no way Jeongguk would ever get used to going out with Kim Taehyung, even if he tried desperately to. Here's the thing with Taehyung, he was merely a god in Jeongguk's eyes sent down to earth to ravish him and wipe him off the very face of this planet in a single night or two.

Jeongguk was convinced Taehyung wasn't human at all because of how perfect he was with his model features, perfect Cupid's bow grin, hypnotic catlike eyes and alluringly deep voice of his that had Jeongguk weak in the knees by a single syllable.

See? Taehyung was beyond perfect at this point, and what was Jeongguk? Nothing but a twenty one year old single father, struggling to make ends meet, who depends on the support of his mom and dad, along with his two very close friends as he works as a struggling trauma therapist.

Yeah, things were going great compared to Taehyung's perfect life.

"You're overreacting for nothing, Gguk," Seokjin said from the bed as he watched the cute ravenette pace back and forth in front of his opened closet, clothes thrown from the rack and scattered along his bedroom floor.

Jeongguk scoffed, "You really think this is all for nothing? This happened twice now, hyung. Tell me you wouldn't be freaking out right now if the same man asked you out twice."

"Have you forgotten I'm married now?" Seokjin held up his hand, wiggling his ring finger that displayed the wedding band that signified Namjoon's love for him as Jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"Look, the only reason why you're so nervous is because you haven't been out on a date since Minjee was born, and that's perfectly normal," Seokjin added, standing from the bed and walking to the distorted closet.

Jeongguk stopped pacing, watching his friend riffle through all the clothes that somehow remained on the rack.

"It's different with you and Namjoon," Jeongguk whined, stomping his foot like a child. "You two work."

"And how do you even know you and Taehyung won't?" Seokjin asked. "You haven't even tried yet. This is only a second date."

"He didn't say it was a date," Jeongguk said, pointing a finger at the older and giving him a pointed look as Seokjin rolled his eyes, pulling something off the rack and throwing it over his shoulder.

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