22 | touch & go

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***NOTE: mature content below (smut). if uncomfortable, please skip the last scene of the chapter! thank you!

Strolling hand in hand along a bridge arched over a body of water as the moon glistened in the ripples of the small tides was Taehyung's kryptonite

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Strolling hand in hand along a bridge arched over a body of water as the moon glistened in the ripples of the small tides was Taehyung's kryptonite.

Nights like these as they wandered around the city, enjoying the cool weather but still cold enough to where light jackets because their silk tops weren't doing them any justice, the brunette felt content, resting his head on Jeongguk's shoulder as their fingers interlaced.

Yeah, this night was perfect, and it couldn't get better than this.

The bridge wasn't unaccompanied by strangers with their own partners. It was only the couple strolling together. The streets were practically empty of buzzing crowds, and it was nice to have a quiet, peaceful night for once in the city.

The pair barely spoke to each other, afraid their talking would ruin the moment, like it would break whatever crystal ball they were in. Looking around, the city was silent, completely dead to the world. Everyone was in bed, asleep, dreaming dreams of their true desires.

Jeongguk glanced down, seeing the younger looking ahead, occasionally glancing around as the walked over the bridge, taking their time and relishing the moment they had together.

Tonight was more than just a date between the couple. It was about forming that everlasting bond only they could share with each other, making memories that would last forever, and this— this was it. This was what true love felt like, and Jeongguk couldn't mistake it for anything else.

Taehyung was different than everyone else. Especially the people he has dated. Jeongguk typically attracted women with bitter to their world, the snobby rich girls that he just couldn't stand to be around. The girls who always got their way, and we're just downright spoiled to the bone.

Grace was a prime example of spoiled rich kids.

He never really thought his life would come to this. He never thought he would have come so far, and yet, he was so happy. Happier than what he has ever been in such a long fucking time and the words couldn't even begin to express the cocktail of emotions he was feeling.

He believed Taehyung was his key component. Ever since he walked into his life, things have been different. Jeongguk no longer thought about himself and his daughter. He wasn't focused on his job or his own self in general. He actually started thinking about someone other than Minjee, and he couldn't believe the time had finally come.

Though, there was a small piece of him that was terrified. He was scared things were going too good for a reason. What if he grows so attached to Taehyung, things end up breaking between them?

That was the scariest thing about happiness; things come in between and tarnish the emotion into specs of dust. It's ripped away from you, leaving you there, ribcage cracked open, ripped apart and leaving nothing but a gaping hole where your heart used to be.

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