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He didn't think it would actually happen

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He didn't think it would actually happen.

Jeon Jeongguk didn't think he would actually propose to Kim Taehyung— to anyone, but he sat there, in their living room, with a ring brochure in his hands as Taehyung went grocery shopping. A month after Minjee's birthday— a few weeks before Christmas— he was considering on proposing to Taehyung.

And how was he supposed to keep this a secret from everyone? From Taehyung especially?

He was horrible at keeping secrets— absolutely terrible. And he was supposed to keep this from everyone he knows— his friends and parents. Minjee on the other hand wouldn't have the slightest clue, so maybe there really was one person he could tell without other ears eavesdropping.

Lying to Taehyung was the very last thing he wanted to do, especially since he was planning on proposing. How could he start off their engagement based on a lie? He couldn't do it, so he'd have to be sneaky about it.

As he sat on the couch in their living room, the television playing som sappy Christmas movie, Jeongguk glanced through the pages of different styles of rings. He didn't know where to start— what band to choose from, whether if it should have a diamond or not, the designs or the color— just looking at the pages and reading all the information it contained about each ring was a little overwhelming.

The entire apartment was quiet, and the time was ticking. His lunch break was almost over. But the stores closed before the end of his shift.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Christmas was in two weeks, the new year followed directly behind, and so did the boy's birthday. For Jeongguk's birthday, all they did was order takeout and fucked until they received a noise complaint. They didn't do much. They stayed in, neither one willing to leave the comfort of their bed.

But now Jeongguk had to run around all over town for many different reasons. Christmas shopping was never a fun thing to do— too stressful and too much money spending that hurt Jeongguk's bank account more than one could compare.

He hated the holiday season. And for the first time in years, he didn't have any holiday spirit. It may have been cold outside and Christmas music may be filling the empty void of his small apartment from the holiday Christmas commercials— it didn't seem to matter because he simply didn't feel like celebrating this year.

He was tempted to buy gifts for everyone and just give them to them and say, "Merry Christmas." Then he'd call it a day.

It just wasn't in him this year, and he didn't really understand why. It's just simply wasn't. It was like Christmas this year was different. It wasn't his first one with Taehyung (obviously) and it most certainly won't be their last.

Christmas just wasn't the same as an adult. It didn't have the same feeling— the same radiance. Christmas now felt more like a chore to celebrate than an actual holiday. He'd like to blame it because he was getting older and found the idea of Christmas tedious and a waste of his time and money.

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