26 | dark place & dark caves

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Taehyung knew something was wrong with Jeongguk from the minute he came back to their table to grab Minjee, barely sparing anyone a glance as he hoisted her on his hip, gathering his things with a sneering glower painted on his face, the veins in ...

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Taehyung knew something was wrong with Jeongguk from the minute he came back to their table to grab Minjee, barely sparing anyone a glance as he hoisted her on his hip, gathering his things with a sneering glower painted on his face, the veins in his neck popping and scaring the brunette.

However, he was unsuccessful to get whatever it was out of the younger. It didn't seem to matter how hard he tried. He just refused to let out whatever it was that happened between him and Grace, and he wanted to know so he can try to fix whatever was broken.

That was his job as the boyfriend, right? To fix his broken boyfriend, repair him until he was better than before, but it seemed like Jeongguk didn't what Taehyung's help.

Most of the time, he stayed locked away in his room, door shut, leaving Taehyung to take care of Minjee.

He had to take her to daycare with him, make dinner, feed her breakfast, prepare her lunch to take with her, and make sure she was staying out of trouble at home. It's not like he was complaining, he did see her as his own kid, but it really worried Taehyung that Jeongguk hadn't even made an effort to come out of that stupid bedroom to help out around the house.

Taehyung had to pick up on household chores, such as dishes, cleaning up after Minjee and preparing dinner, all while he had a mountain of paperwork to tackle and get turned in by the end of the week.

It was a bit stressful, really, especially since it was dumped on him so suddenly. He wanted Jeongguk to talk to him, tell him everything that went down between him and Grace, but he didn't even want Taehyung in the bedroom. He wanted to be left alone. Taehyung doesn't know how long this was going to last, and it was starting to become tiresome.

He was exhausted himself. Stressing over work and all the papers he had to get done, all while taking care of Minjee and giving her the attention she requires. It was hard and Taehyung wasn't sure how Jeongguk had done it for an entire year all on his own, but he applauded him for it. He just wanted Jeongguk to come out and finally talk to him.

It's been a week. It's like he had entered this dark place and he was unable to get himself out.

All Taehyung knows is he needs a break. His brain was fried, temples throbbing, eyes strained and hurting, body aching from the lack of sleep and the fact that he had been sleeping on the couch for the past week. He was ready for whatever this was to finally pass over so he could get the old Jeongguk back.

As he sat in the living room, papers scattered along the table, Minjee watching her favorite cartoon on the big screen, Taehyung couldn't stop glancing over at the closed bedroom door, worried Jeongguk had entered a dark place he was unable to get himself out of.

Depression was a scary thing, and Taehyung didn't want to see him spiral into something that dark and dangerous. It would kill him if he had to watch his boyfriend lose himself and he was unable to do anything about it. He couldn't help but worry really. He had been locked up in that bedroom for a week now and it was starting to become a little excessive.

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