01 | birthday cake & funeral after party

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"Happy birthday to you~" The little girl looked around with her Bambi eyes, mouth parted a little as she poked the side of her cheek, curiosity piquing her interest as she watched people gather around her and Jeongguk bringing out a cake with a si...

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"Happy birthday to you~" The little girl looked around with her Bambi eyes, mouth parted a little as she poked the side of her cheek, curiosity piquing her interest as she watched people gather around her and Jeongguk bringing out a cake with a single candle lit.

She was placed in her highchair, the poor thing confused as to what was happening around her. All she could see was a large cake— bigger than her— sitting on her tray in front of her.

She saw smiles on their faces, Jeongguk crouched beside her as he sang along with the others. He grinned from ear-to-ear, large hand resting on her back and rubbing soothing circles along. He patted her shoulder, back and head as they sang until the end of the song.

She never once stared or even glanced at the cake, just the people gathered around her with phones and cameras pointed directly at her as the song came to its ending. Once the song had stopped, smiles still remained but the little girl could feel her heart beat palpitating in her chest.

"Blow out the candle, Squish," Jeongguk said, pointing to the single candle placed in her unicorn cake. She stared at her dad, unsure of what he was really saying with her finger poking the same cheek.

Her big brown Bambi eyes glossed over as he nudged her a little, pointing to the candle and repeating himself over a dozen times, hoping she would soon understand him. But it was like he was speaking a totally different language to her, unable to make out the words and fully grasp what he was saying.

"Can you go like this?" Jeongguk asked, blowing in her face a little. Her front fringe blew out of her eyes, sweeping back as the rest of her hair was pulled back into cute pigtails that were placed on top of her head.

Minjee stared at Jeongguk with her Bambi eyes, bottom lip puckering out as tears began to well up in her eyes, glossing them over. Jeongguk's heart immediately melted, grabbing her and holding her close to his body as she began to sob against his chest.

"Baby, it's okay," He soothed, patting her back as everyone else stopped recording and put their phones away, feeling guilty for overwhelming the little girl. It was her first birthday after all, so everything was a bit drowning.

Another hand could be felt on her lower back, causing her eyes to snap open and see her grandma standing beside her son, pouting with the little girl as she helped Jeongguk soothe her.

"C'mon, let's blow it out together," Jeongguk knelt down, eye level with the cake and the melting candle, watching the wax begin to trickle down the pink and white swirled candle.

Minjee shook her head, hands balled up and placed by her mouth, tears falling down her cheeks. Jeongguk didn't want to fight with her, so he blew the single candle out for her, making it easier for everyone as they clapped and cheered for the little girl.

A smile immediately sprung to her face, eyes lighting up as she clapped happily. Jeongguk rolled his eyes, grinning at her silliness before placing her back in her high chair. Jeongguk's mom pulled her phone out, taking a picture of the sweet little girl beside her cake.

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