33 | future & stuff

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Jeongguk woke up to the smell of bacon

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Jeongguk woke up to the smell of bacon.

His eyes fluttered open as he instinctively sniffed the mouth-watering aroma around him, head snuggly stuffed under his pillow, lifting it up and looking around the room with puffy eyes and a slightly swollen face from sleep.

His eyes immediately snapped over to the kitchen portion of their small room, watching Taehyung hum a soft tune he could barely make out over the hot sizzling bacon on the stove. The skin between his brows creased as he sat up a little, the white bedsheets falling down his chest and pooling around his bare waist.

Rubbing his face, he almost drunkenly toppled out of bed, stumbling as he walked into the bathroom with Taehyung noticing. The brunette seemed too busy over the stove as he cooked breakfast for the both of them, humming softly.

He didn't notice Jeongguk wandering in or out of the bathroom until he felt a pair of warm arms loop around his waist, a solid chest pressed against his back and a chin resting on his shoulder. Startled, he whipped his head around, almost bumping heads with the boy as his heart beat erratically in his chest.

"You scared the shit outta me. I thought you were still asleep," Taehyung breathed, shaking his head as he went back to cooking over the stove.

Jeongguk chuckled lightly as he reached over and grabbed a freshly cooked piece of greasy bacon, tossing it on his tongue. The sizzling meat burned his tongue a bit, causing him to chew with his mouth open.

"How long have you been up?" He asked the boy, turning from him and making himself a cup of coffee that Taehyung already had freshly brewed. He really thought of everything when he booked this place for the weekend.

He had done some late-night grocery shopping the night before they left, being sure to grab everything they liked so they didn't have to do any shopping or driving around once they arrived and settled in. He wanted this weekend to be perfect, and so far, Jeongguk had no complaints.

Well, expect for the fact they couldn't bring Minjee along and he had to leave her behind with his parents— which he has already done too many times before. But as always, they were thrilled to watch her, expressing how much they have missed her being around all the time which only confused the boy a bit more.

He really thought the three of them could have had a lot of fun together, but Taehyung insisted on it just being the two of them. He wanted Jeongguk to be stress free the entire duration of their mini vacation, and he was going to make sure he had zero distractions.

It wasn't like Minjee was a distraction anyway. She required a lot of their attention— which they were more than willing to give, but Jeongguk has been stressing a lot— too much for Taehyung's liking, and he wanted to do something special for him. He had been great to him, making breakfast in the mornings, letting him sleep in on weekends, making dinner, putting his needs ahead of his own— whatever it was, Jeongguk was doing for him.

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