32 | road trips & mountain views

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Now was the time

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Now was the time.

Now was the time when everything would be placed on the table. All their confessions and worries would be out in the open. No more secrets and would finally get to know about the other's thoughts— how they feel.

Jeongguk was swimming in a pool of nervousness, anxious to get this done and over with. A part of him was scared he'd learn something about Taehyung he wasn't ready to hear yet. The thought of their weekend getaway turning into a break up gathering had his anxiety soaring through the roof.

Not only was he afraid to learn about Taehyung's thoughts and feelings, he was scared to learn about his own. He was petrified. He was nervous to feel his emotions and think his thoughts. With the way things were going right now, he'd probably lose his mind if he basked in his emotions and let them run their course of nature.

He was stressed. Stressed about these results that haven't came in yet, and stressed about work. He was stressed about everything at home, and he was stressed about the others around him more than himself. All he wanted to do was make everyone around him happy, not even bothering to ask himself if he was happy.

He wasn't happy. Not anymore. Taehyung was the only thing really keeping him sane. He kept his feet on the ground when he was about to float away like a lost balloon.

He wasn't saying he wasn't happy with Taehyung. He was. And that would never change. But the stress of everything else overpowered those feel-good feelings, making him feel like he was drowning in a mess of stress. And it only made him unhappy. He'd wake up unhappy. Go to bed unhappy. And walk through his day with a frown on his face, uninterested in his friends' lives and even his own.

He stopped catching up with his friends and it had been a good few weeks since the last time he had spoken to either of his parents, which was unusual because they'd call each other all the time and share some work gossip or even catch up on their busy lives.

Neither one had paid a visit to the other. It was like Jeongguk's mind told him it wasn't even worth it, and it didn't take much for his body to be fully convinced as he would drive passed their house and not even sparing a glance their way. He'd just imagine his mom or dad standing by the window at that time, waving at their son, only to be ignored and drove passed, thinking he was stopping by for a small visit.

He wondered how many times that actually has happened. How many times he had driven past their house as they stared out the window at just the right time, admiring their front view of the beautiful city of Seoul, only to be surprised to glance down the road and see Jeongguk's car zooming down it.

He wondered how many times they had gotten their hopes up, thinking he was finally stopping by for a visit with Minjee in the backseat of his car. Or how many times they anticipated his next call, only for another week to fly by. No phone calls and no texts. Just a blank phone screen and no missed calls coming through.

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