36 | flower fields & goat pastures

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9 more chaps until the epilogue

"Where are you taking me?" Taehyung asked as Jeongguk shoved him into the front passenger's seat before buckling Minjee in the back

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"Where are you taking me?" Taehyung asked as Jeongguk shoved him into the front passenger's seat before buckling Minjee in the back.

The older looked over his shoulder, awaiting for an answer, but he got nothing as he watched Jeongguk. With furrowed brows and a pouty bottom lip, Taehyung turned in his seat, arms crossing as he huffed. He didn't like not being told about anything. He hated being left in the dark.

When Jeongguk came to him and told him to get dressed and washed up, he didn't know what to think. The next thing he knows is being shoved in the car with a silent Jeongguk acting as if he couldn't hear a word the older was saying to him, which kind of annoyed Taehyung a bit but decided to swallow it down and let it go.

It wasn't something he'd reel over. And he definitely didn't want to ruin the good mood Jeongguk seemed to be in the last month they have been home. Everything with him was perfect— everything had gone back to normal and he really couldn't be happier.

There were no more fights, no more arguments, no more disagreements— all of it stopped. It was like their lives took a complete 180.

Jeongguk was happy. He wasn't depressed anymore, no longer ignoring his parents who he had gotten back in touch with. Work and making an income had become a top priority now, and his communication skills have improved greatly.

It was like Jeongguk was a totally different person. It was like that tainted version of him never seized to exist. It truly amazed Taehyung how much he had changed over the course of a single month. He had become a much better person, boyfriend, son and father.

The duality of Jeon Jeongguk was immaculate.

"You can't pout like that, hyung," Jeongguk chuckled dryly, getting in the car and pulling on his seatbelt.

"Oh, now you wanna talk to me?" Taehyung wanted to be mad for being ignored, but he couldn't when he saw that gentle grin on his boyfriend's lips, the way the edges curled up and how his nose scrunched a bit.

However, it was like Jeongguk could see right through him. He laughed, loving the way Taehyung failed at his attempt to be mad. He leaned over the center console, chuckling as he tilted his head to the side, admiring the brunette boy beside him.

"You're cute when you try to act mad," He said, and before he could retort anything snarky, Jeongguk's mouth was on his, hushing him for a while.

Silence engulfed him, and Taehyung was reminded just how much they have grown as a couple. This kiss was different from the rest. It was their mark of change— how much they have changed and grown together. This kiss held so much more than want. It held passion, love, security and so much more.

When Jeongguk pulled away, Taehyung didn't realize how he had entered a galaxy. His head was off in space because of that single kiss. He was left breathless, bewildered and content. How could a kiss hold so much and cause so many things to a single boy's heart and mind?

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