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"I'm not much of a drinker," Jeongguk said as they entered a rundown bar just outside Seoul

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"I'm not much of a drinker," Jeongguk said as they entered a rundown bar just outside Seoul. It was seemingly popular by the amount of parked cars there were and how packed it was inside.

Jeongguk cringed as soon as those doors open, the smell of vomit mixing with spilled alcohol and sweat wasn't a pleasurable combination. He could tell by how long people often stayed as they got hammered and danced, hooking up with anyone they could get their hands on.

He looked around, his surroundings unfamiliar as Taehyung led him through the thick crowd. He had his fingers wrapped loosely around Jeongguk's wrist, gently leading him to the bar he could just barely see with them amount of people whom crowded it.

Once they arrived, they stopped and pulled out two chairs, taking their seats as people began leaving. Everyone he had bumped into was plastered, almost tripping over their own feet as they downed countless shots.

Jeongguk swore some of them were going to die from alcohol poisoning.

Taehyung chuckled amusingly, shaking his head as he stood on the bars of his seat, looking down the bar. Jeongguk glanced over, seeing only two men behind the counter as they poured drinks.

Jeongguk watched their hands move faster than he ever could imagine. He was seemingly impressed by their fast hands and quick thinking, serving drink from left to right. He wondered how long it took them to master such a skill.

The brunette waved them over, which Jeongguk thought was a little rude since they were busy. But when he saw the smiles on their faces as they served the last customer before they made their way down the bar, that thought instantly left his mind.

"What's up?" The one with dimples smiled, high-fiving Taehyung as the other one leaned his elbows onto the counter in front of the brunette.

Jeongguk couldn't help but wonder if they knew each other, like if Taehyung was a regular here or something. Did he like to party?

"Just got off work and thought I could use a drink to relax," Taehyung smiled, leaning back in his stool as he gripped the edge of the bar top. "You know my usual."

"And you?" The other man asked, now looking directly at Jeongguk.

"Scotch on the rocks with a twist," Jeongguk told him. "Make that two."

Taehyung looked over, eyebrows raised a little, "Thought you weren't much of a drinker?"

Jeongguk shrugged, watching the man who took his order prepare his drink. He went quiet now, unsure of what to say as his drinks were slid across the bar top. He picked it up, taking a sip of the cold beverage, feeling the liquid rush down his throat.

Jeongguk doesn't remember the last time he was out like this. It had have been before Minjee was born because ever since then, he hasn't had a night out in a year.

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