38 | two years down & the rest of his life

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7 chapters left until the epilogue

7 chapters left until the epilogue

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"Happy birthday to you~"

It was like her first birthday all over again. Minjee glanced around with her big Bambi eyes, pouty bottom lip jutted out as the tip of her finger poked the side of her cheek, disregarding the cake in front of her.

Jeongguk watched as tears were slowly forming in her eyes— just like last year. Everything was exactly like last year, except there were new people— not much but enough to freak Minjee out from all the unfamiliar faces surrounding her with phone cameras pointed directly at her as creepy, big toothy smiles flashed her way.

Now that Jeongguk had taken a step back, he understood why she didn't like the spotlight, especially alone. From where she was sitting at her age, they looked like clowns without the makeup, and to be honest, it was quite bone-chilling. He would be scared too if he were receiving weird smiles like that on his second birthday.

And just as he was about to swoop in and save her again, Taehyung was quicker than him. He had pocketed his phone, reaching over and picking the little girl up, sliding her out of her highchair and placing her on his hip.

The tears hadn't even fallen yet, and he could already tell something was wrong.

Jeongguk watched from the sidelines, phone in his hand as Taehyung knelt on a knee, placing Minjee on it, but still eye-level with the cake. "You gotta blow out your candles, Minnie," He said against her ear once the singing stopped.

Just watching them had Jeongguk's heart feeling things he's never really felt before. Watching Taehyung step in and take action when he saw Minjee was about to have another crying fit, made him realize how lucky he was— how lucky Minjee was for having two dads who care about her.

Taehyung was taking that place Grace couldn't even fit up to as a human being, and it made his heart palpitate into a melting mess of mush. He felt good.

Everything felt good. Minjee may have been crying for the second year in a row on her birthday, and Seokjin may have bought her more presents than Jeongguk could count, but all in all, everything was going fantastic.

"Let's blow out the candles, Minnie," He whispered after noticing her reluctance to blow out the two candles placed on her beautiful one tier, florist cake.

Jeongguk snapped another picture of the pair, grinning sweetly as Taehyung somehow managed to coax Minjee in to blowing out her candles, even with tears still clouding her eyes and rolling down her puffy cheeks.

All in all, it was a really good day.

"Two years down," Jane shook her head incredulously, breathless as she helped Jeongguk cut the cake. And of course, she received her corner piece.

Jeongguk snorted, nodding as he handed her a plate, "I can't believe it. It feels like just yesterday I went to the hospital and got to hold her in my arms for the very first time."

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