29 | therapy sessions & made of money

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"This is the place?"

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"This is the place?"

Seokjin hummed, glancing out the window as the younger nervously fidgeted with his fingers, fiddling with the hem of his black cotton shirt as he stared out the front windshield.

The building was nice. It was tall— four stories maybe, a beautiful pond just right outside with ducks, geese and beautiful white swans, lily pads decorating the small ripples of the water, and a nice fountain was placed directly in the middle.

Tall trees and blossoming rose bushes shrouded the building, making a pathway to the pond where elderly couples sat on the benches to feed the birds waddling up to them. Some were too engrossed in swimming, the heat wave being too much for them as they cooled off under the splashes of the fountain.

"Where did you find this place? It looks so expensive," Jeongguk swallowed thickly, looking around, a very unsettling feeling taking over him.

"I think the word you're looking for is "fancy", Gguk," Seokjin chuckled, shifting the car into park as they sat in the lot, the older waiting for Jeongguk to gather the courage to leave.

"But I found it online," He shrugged, turning the radio down.

"How do you find all these nice places?" Jeongguk murmured, reflecting back on the time when Seokjin had found the daycare, and now this place. He didn't understand why he had to find fancy places. It wasn't like Jeongguk was made of money.

"Online," He merely shrugged again, eyes anywhere but Jeongguk's.

The ravenette gave him a skeptic look, "Jin."

The older rolled his eyes, sighing, "Fine. At the beginning of our marriage, Joon and I were having... marital problems. We both decided it would be a good idea to see a marriage counselor before we filed for divorce. This place saved our marriage, Gguk."

"I didn't know you and Joon used to have problems," Jeongguk gaped, feeling a little left out as he stared at his best friend.

"It was a long time ago," Seokjin assured, really not wanting to talk about his heartbreaking past. "We got married too young and too soon. But we worked through our problems. And so can you. Trust me, this place will save your life."

"I don't think my life needs saving, hyung," Jeongguk stated, crossing his arms and gazing out his window. He hated admitting that he needed help. All his life people treated him like some damsel in distress.

He hated it. He didn't like the way it made him feel so... useless. He felt completely broken, like he couldn't do anything on his own. He had so much pride built up after he had to put his foot down, no longer accepting loans from family and friends, and refusing to ask for any kind of help.

"Maybe it doesn't," Seokjin hummed with a slight nod, "But it doesn't hurt to try."

"It hurts my bank account," The ravenette muttered bitterly at the older, reflecting a sharp look his way.

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