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Jeongguk didn't really know what to expect with the new year

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Jeongguk didn't really know what to expect with the new year.

At first he thought it would be great, he'd make new goals and finish old projects. He'd gain a better sense of drive, cut back on his caffeine intake, and maybe eat a little healthier too. Maybe even go to therapy more often when he wasn't in the best state mentally.

What he didn't expect was for the new year to take a turn down south and knock him on his ass, struggling to get up.

He thought everything would finally go well, but now he wasn't so sure. Buying that ring for Taehyung hurt his bank account, but he doesn't regret it. He'd buy a million more if it made the older happy, because when Taehyung was happy, so was he.

However, money was tight— tighter than before, and Taehyung income was barely helping out. How he managed to do this on his own for a year was amazement beyond, but as patients started declining, his work ethic did too.

When there's no one to help, he couldn't help himself.

Taehyung was able to help pay for daycare, watching Minjee while the other had to work, picking up as many hours as he could possibly manage because he was tired of eat pizza from cardboard boxes from their local grocery store.

Unfortunately, date nights had to come to an abrupt halt. It was one of the few things Jeongguk looked forward to in his life, and as time passed, he begins to wonder where things went wrong. He had a college education in the field he loves most, but it was like the field didn't like him.

Here he was struggling to gain patients, to make ends meet, unable to support his family. Sometimes he felt like he couldn't do this on his own anymore. He felt helpless. A sad case, if you will.

Being unable to support his fiancé— his soon-to-be husband and his daughter, he felt like an utter failure, and he's embarrassed to even consider himself a reliable person, because he really wasn't in his own aspects.

It was drilled in his head from day one; the man is the provider.

But he wasn't. He wasn't able to provide for himself, let alone two others. He felt useless. Completely worthless and he wondered how he even made it this far. How he was even still going after all this time of stress and struggles, the amount of times he had to ask his parents for loans, or how he begged for more hours at his job, only to be given nothing in return.

His parents helped him out as much as possible, but sometimes they too couldn't even help themselves, despite willing to help their son and granddaughter out as much as they would love to. But even then they couldn't help every time he came to them.

Sometimes he wondered if his parents thought of him in the same aspect he thought of himself.

Jeongguk couldn't help but sigh, sinking in the couch as he waited for Taehyung to come home from work with Minjee. Getting off midday wasn't how the ravenette wanted to spend his weekdays; lounging around the apartment, waiting for his fiancé and daughter to come home after a long day of work and school activities.

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