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Jeongguk never did buy him that boba that night

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Jeongguk never did buy him that boba that night.

He never could convince Taehyung to agree in trying one for the first time and it was disheartening for the young ravenette as he sat there in his chair and sipped on a warm beer in his living room at noon in his boxers.

And god, no, he wasn't depressed. If one more person asked him that question he didn't know if they would live for the next day or not, so everyone steered clear from him.

Well, all expect for Seokjin, who had no idea what was going on under the Jeon's residence seeming he was too busy with work and other personal issues that needed his full attention at the moment.

It had been weeks since he and Taehyung had that meeting at that small boba shop in town, and he hadn't heard from him since. Minjee was enrolled but wouldn't start until the next month since Jeongguk didn't have a lot of change lying around and his bank account was completely drained from all money.

Too many bills were slowly decreasing his funds and he didn't know if he would be able to make it. His checks may be growing in size, but so were the stupid bills that just had to come out every month.

Her first day was next Monday, after Jeongguk's weekend off. She was to be expected there by six in the morning— right around the time Jeongguk had to head to the office.

How could the Jeon Jeongguk allow his feelings to spiral out of control in such a way like this? He used to be good at keeping everything at bay and as if nothing was on his mind.

What happened to him? One day he was fine and happy to be single, walking through life as he raised his one year old daughter, whose mother wasn't in her life. And he was fine by that. He was more than fine with how things were going.

Now nothing was adding up as the days flashed by. His days were mixing in and he couldn't tell you when the last time he showered since his "date" with Taehyung. It wasn't actually a date, but more of a parent teacher conference.

It was strictly professional between the pair, and Jeongguk had to continuously tell himself exactly that or else he would act upon his fingers and get the brunette male under his sheets by the end of the week.

Why was he so fucking desperate? It's not like he knows if Taehyung is gay or not. What is he even talking about? He's pretty and works at a daycare facility. Of course he's gay.

"Of course he's gay," He mumbled with a scoff, flicking a potato chip in his mouth as he watched the same tv show series he's been watching for weeks, not even paying attention to any of the scenes.

A faint buzzing sourced from the side table, causing Jeongguk to glance over and see his phone and Seokjin's number emitting on his screen. He sighed, rolling his eyes as he wiped his greasy fingers on the arm of the chair before grabbing his phone and answering the call.

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