15 | meet & greet

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"Where are we going?" Jeongguk asked, watching the scenery through the window of the passenger's seat fly by as Taehyung drove down an unfamiliar road

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"Where are we going?" Jeongguk asked, watching the scenery through the window of the passenger's seat fly by as Taehyung drove down an unfamiliar road.

He made sure to observe his surroundings in case he came across something that was familiar to him, but they've been in the car for an hour and a half, and nothing was looking remotely similar to anything he's ever saw in his entire life.

"You've been asking that nonstop, Gguk," Taehyung chuckled, glancing over as he drove down the highway. "You're aware of the answer."

"It's a surprise," Jeongguk tried to mimic the older's voice, but it came out as a failed attempt to deepen his tone, cracking instead and little more higher pitched than the other's voice in general, clearing failing at the imitation attempt.

Taehyung giggled cutely, rolling his eyes, hands on the wheel, gripping it a little tighter, "You can say it in that voice all you want, but you still sound nothing like me."

The ravenette looked over, giving him an exasperated glare, sighing as he dramatically sunk down in his seat, arms folding like a disobedient child, "Whatever."

Evidently pride hurt over the mere statement, Jeongguk didn't want to pout over it the entire ride, and decided to gaze out the window until they were at their destination. He waited for what seemed like forever in the car before they were pulling up to an older generational house.

This confused the younger as he sat up in his seat, looking up at the house, eyebrows furrowed and lips parted, leaning over the dashboard a little to get a better examination over the three-story home he wasn't familiar with— and still had no clue why he was even there.

The house had a vintage vibe— it seemed like something found back in the seventies by the foundation and the overall layout of the antique home. The shutters were a faded red— or maybe it was a pink, but it also could've been a maroon— which was a shade of purple and red mix.

The paint was chipped, peeling as the wood of the exterior of the home split, nails missing or coming out of the rotting wood. This house was obviously old and hadn't been taken care of for years, by the way it was quite literally falling apart.

It even seemed like shingles were missing from the roof, which quirked and questionable brow raise as he slowly looked over at Taehyung, giving him a look that not even the brunette could read. Though, Jeongguk would put it in simple terms and say he was confused and completely lost right now and wished he had some answers to his endless pile of questions.

"Tae, where are we? Where did you bring me?" He asked again, but Taehyung ignored him, getting out of the car with Jeongguk following closely behind, eager for answers as he whipped around the parked car, standing in front of the older, looking down at him.

"Seriously, Tae, what is this place?" He asked further, but Taehyung still wasn't going to oblige as he simply walked around the boy and made his way up the steps to the front door.

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