14 | five soju shots & like thirty confessions

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Jeongguk couldn't remember the last time he had ever been out since Minjee was born

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Jeongguk couldn't remember the last time he had ever been out since Minjee was born.

He doesn't remember the last time life was normal. With everything he had gone through and had to tackle, his life was completely unbalanced. Raising Minjee took up all of his time, along with working. He never really had time for hobbies.

Working and raising a kid was all that was on his list. Partying and having fun wasn't something he really had time to sit down and think about either, but lately, he's been pondering on having a night out with the guys. Maybe even invite Taehyung and his friends to tag along.

The more he thought about it, the more he took a liking to the idea. Going out to a bar or club, just for a night out with the guys while his parents watched Minjee sounded more like a vacation at this point.

Stress from work was something he really needed to get his mind off of and let loose for a change. However, it may take some convincing for Taehyung to get him to agree and tag along, because of how uptight he seemed to be at times. He too wasn't much of a partier nor was he someone who liked going out.

Jeongguk liked to call him an introvert because he was always cooped up in his house, watching tv and having dinner by himself, while Taehyung liked to think of it as conserving energy, only to use it when something life-changing happens.

The ravenette chuckled, shaking his head as he pulled out his phone from where he sat in his living room, watching cartoons with Minjee playing on the floor with her stuffed animals.

The ravenette chuckled, shaking his head as he pulled out his phone from where he sat in his living room, watching cartoons with Minjee playing on the floor with her stuffed animals

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Jeongguk was slightly flabbergasted, stunned that Taehyung would even take that risk to tell his grandmother about him. Did she ask questions? What did Taehyung say about him to her? Did he refer to him as his boyfriend or just a friend? Why was he even sweating about it?

Fuck, he was perturbed, fingers hovering over his screen, twitching, itching to message him back, unsure of what to say after that. He had forgotten why he had even text him in the first place, too drawn to the news dumped atop his shoulders.

He needed to stop thinking so deeply about it. He probably just referred to him as someone Taehyung knew, because either way, she wasn't going to remember who Jeongguk was at the end of the day. She barely remembers Taehyung. He knows this because the boy had cried over it the last time he had saw her.

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