40 | christmas carols & gingerbread houses

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Taehyung's gingerbread house fell apart

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Taehyung's gingerbread house fell apart.

First, it was the roof, then the walls, and everything else came crashing down alongside with it. He was a bit bummed, because he had the biggest set out of everyone else. Seokjin and Namjoon shared a set, decorating theirs with faint grins on their faces.

Jimin had his own, no one to share it with, as he focused, eyes squinted in concentration and brows pinched in determination. He piped some more icing for the roof, carefully placing the pieces where they belong, the tip of his tongue peeking past his lips.

Hoseok and Yoongi shared one as well, theirs wasn't coming along so great either. They had problems from the start with their walls refusing to stand up, decorations falling to the floor, pieces of candies scattering everywhere, icing not at all cooperating no matter how careful they were. Their house looked like an utter disaster.

Jeongguk's and Minjee's was different though. They were probably just as good as Jimin, if not even better than his. Their icing worked well with the pieces of cookies, and they were making sure to have fun while doing so. Jeongguk's competitive side had shown yet, and Taehyung was waiting for it to ruin the mood surrounding them.

But, luckily, it hadn't made an appearance yet.

So far, everything was going great. Christmas music played in the background as the group hummed along to the song, Taehyung, however, was too busy trying to piece his house back together before anyone else noticed the wreckage.

He spared no attention or glanced to everyone else's houses, too pride hurt to even see how much better they were at making these kits than he was. A little frustrated, Taehyung reached over and grabbed his glass of eggnog, sipping on the cold drink as he looked over his house.

This was stupid. Who even invented gingerbread houses anyway? What was the point in them? Just to build them and eat them not even moments later? To feel the struggle of piecing one together, watching it crumble beneath your fingertips and salvaging whatever you could?

It was pointless.

Maybe it was just because he was mad. The raw emotions of irritation strung along within him, making him feel annoyed and irritable. And just by looking around the living room where everyone was gathered, he could already see that even Hoseok's and Yoongi's house was going to be 10 times better than his once finished.

He hated this. He hated when he wasn't good at something. He didn't have a drive like Jeongguk where he kept trying until he mastered it. He wasn't a kid anymore where he got up, dusted himself off and tried again. That passion part of him was long gone when he entered adulthood. He was drained from everything possible.

And watching Jeongguk help Minjee place the gumdrops on the roof and other places around the house that was perfectly built with not a single stray of icing out of place, the perfect amount to hold the pieces together long enough for a picture to be taken and then be torn apart later, Taehyung was more than mildly annoyed.

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