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Movie night was always the best

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Movie night was always the best.

They were always the nights Jeongguk looked forward to as a child. It was the only chance he got to spend time with both of his parents at the same time, and now as an adult, he enjoyed them because of the memories.

It only happened once a week he would pack up some of their things and head to his parents' house and spend the entire evening with them, also give Minjee a chance to bond with both of her grandparents while Jeongguk got a break.

They would watch a series of movies, all varying from each genre possible; scary, comedy, thriller, action and more. They'd go through an entire box of popcorn and sip on caffeinated soft drinks the entire night as Minjee rested on someone's lap.

It was usually her grandpa she found the most comfort in when they were at their house. He was the one who always got down on the ground and played with her, dressing up in silly costumes and having lame tea parties as they sipped air for tea.

Sometimes it was something completely dumb and he'd still do it. But watching movies seemed to be their favorite thing. Maybe it was because of the quiet time between them, the bond they were forming as they watched their favorite film.

Jeongguk never complained about it. In fact, he enjoyed that they got along and Minjee wasn't a spoiled brat and acted like she wanted nothing to do with her grandparents. She acted like she wanted to be with them unlike other kids that behave poorly and are selfish when it comes to sharing anything.

Despite being the only child, Minjee was good at sharing her toys with her other cousins. She never cried or hurt anyone who wanted their turn with her toys. She willingly gave them her favorite stuffed fox with a smile on her face, watching them run off with it, only to return it dirty and with holes Jeongguk knows that weren't there before.

Jeongguk often wondered if he was doing this parenting right because Minjee was already a well-behaved child. He rarely scolded her for something she had done wrong. She was naturally sweet and caring.

Sometimes he felt like he was lacking as he realized how he hasn't had to really teach her anything. Manners were easy to teach, she repeated everything Jeongguk said and it was embedded in her head to be nice to others.

She wasn't selfish, childish or spoiled and sometimes Jeongguk wondered if he really made this big of an impact or if she was just that obedient and naturally this way. Whatever it was, Jeongguk was just glad she wasn't like other kids he's encountered with at the park or at a grocery store.

His parents had zero complaints about her, and it often made his heart swell that Minjee was so frequently praised at such a young age for being obedient.

With Halloween coming up in less than a month, Jeongguk had to make the time to take her to a costume store to pick hers out so he can take her trick-or-treating this year. That was something else he enjoyed to do was go around door to door and get free candy with his daughter dressed as something cute.

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