18 | cuncussion questions & emergency contact

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Opening the door to his apartment, only to be welcomed with Seokjin making himself at home with a bag of salty potato chips and a canned soda wasn't how Jeongguk wanted his god awful morning to start, nor was it something he wanted to be greeted w...

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Opening the door to his apartment, only to be welcomed with Seokjin making himself at home with a bag of salty potato chips and a canned soda wasn't how Jeongguk wanted his god awful morning to start, nor was it something he wanted to be greeted with after walking five miles in his horrible polyester pants after his car broke down on his way to work.

The door flung open, revealing a distraught Jeongguk and a comfortable Seokjin from either side. The older paused the tv, setting his soda down on the table as he turned to face the boy with creased eyebrows and a concerned glint in his eyes, jaw ajar a bit.

"Welcome home?" Seokjin gave the boy a questionable glance as he walked inside, slamming the door shut behind him as he glared daggers at the man eating his food and being there without his permission.

"I said the key was for emergencies," Jeongguk barked, throwing himself on the couch and peeling his uncomfortable shoes from his feet, angrily throwing them at the front door as Seokjin watched with round eyes.

"I was hungry," He told him, watching him throw the other shoe at the door. "What's wrong with you?"

"My car broke down and I had to walk five miles in these stupid shoes and awful polyester pants," Jeongguk bitterly replied, eyes glaring daggers at the shoes he loathed, tempted to throw them away and quit his job since it seemed nothing was going his way today. "I swear my thighs almost started a fucking fire," He added, grunting as he tugged them off.

"I just dropped Minjee off at daycare before my car totally busted on me," He added sharply. "Now I have no vehicle for a while and I'll have to take a cab everywhere I go, which is not how I had things planned out for the rest of my life."

He heard his friend snicker beside him, an amused eyebrow raised, "You seriously thought everything would go your way from here on out?"

"Yes," Jeongguk answered with a nod, sighing tiredly as he rested his feet on the coffee table. He felt Seokjin move beside him, doing the same. He looked at his watch, groaning. "I'm super late for work."

"I can take you," Seokjin offered, already standing from the couch and pulling his shoes on. Jeongguk sat up a little, looking up at his best friend with gleam in his eyes.

"Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you or anything," Jeongguk told him, but the older had waved a dismissive hand his way, keys in one hand and soda in the other as he waited for the boy to ready himself.

"Please, I have the rest of the week off. I'm glad to help out a damsel in distress," Seokjin teased, causing Jeongguk to glare at him as he slipped on a much more comfortable pair of shoes.

"I'm not a damsel in distress, Hyung," Jeongguk stated matter of factly, tying his shoes and tugging at his tie, feeling like the damned thing was choking him— and not in a good way.

Seokjin chuckled, jabbing him with his elbow, "You know I'm only teasing, Gguk."

That was one thing Jeongguk liked about their relationship. They always got along and could tease each other about literally everything the world contained. Neither one of them got offended or had taken it a step too far, and if they did, they'd laugh about it later after having a deep and meaningful talk about how it's "so not cool."

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