22: Boundaries

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"hey" i say quietly to Nick from across the room.
"you look really good in that outfit" he says as he sits on the side of my bed. I turn around and face him, leaning on my vanity.

"So I look bad in every other outfit?" i tease.

"aight remind me to never compliment you ever again" he laughed.

"kidding, thank you". I smiled and looked at the ground. I could feel his eyes still on me and I could feel my hands getting sweaty. I crossed my arms and looked back up at him.

"why'd you leave so fast this morning?" he asked.

"i had class."

"yeah, 2 hours later" he said. This made me chuckle for a second until I looked down again.

"I don't know...tried to dodge the conversation were about to have right now" I say which made him laugh. "speaking of that..." i say as I sit down next to him.

"yeahhh, hey i just want to let you know..." Nick said as he puts his hand on my lap. "...I didn't regret it, like at all"

"i didn't either," i say and smile. Me saying this made  Nick grin. "but..." i say after, which also then made him groan.

"What are we doing? Like how you said messing around, friends with benefits type thing?" I ask.

"yeah that's what I said last night"

"okay...then we're gonna need some boundaries"

"mmhm" he said, unsure.

"first one..." i hold up one finger. "no one finds out"

"i can keep a secret" he told me with that same stupid grin.

"i'm being dead ass; no one!"

"i'm being dead ass, too, i can keep a secret."

"...second one, no staying the night"

"like you can't sleep over?"


"what? why?" he asks confused.

"it leads to feelings and also another rule; no feelings aloud." After I say this Nick gives me look like he was annoyed.

"aight, but good luck trying not to fall in love wit all of this" Nick says as he points all around his face.

"ohh yeah i'll try to resist" i say sarcastically. "last one, were not exclusive. We can be with other people as much as we want."

"i'm good with all those" he says.

"you wanna make any boundaries?"

"booty calls are aloud"

"for both us to do, yeah" i say.

"aight" Nick agrees. Just as I was about to stand up, I feel his hand on my cheek. I turned to face him and we touched our lips together. It took my breath away since it was so unexpected. I held my hand on his wrist that was on my face. We pull away after a few soft kisses. Still looking in each other's eyes, I shake back into reality.

"mmm alright where are we going to eat" i say, standing up.

"I think just in & out" He says as he opens my door and stands to the side to let me through. I grab my phone as I walk into the living room.

"Alright you guys all ready to go?" Ian says.

We all agree and make our way outside. We all split up into a car or two and just made our way there. We don't usually ever go to a small fast food place with this many people. I knew we would have to go there and eat a lil fast to not make a huge scene type thing. We pull in and we all get out of the cars. I find mags and stand in line with her and B. Texas gang, i mean what can i say.

"oh my god I didn't even notice I hit 2.3 million followers on instagram" i say excited. I look back up and see they're not paying attention anymore. They started whispering in each others ear and giggling so I just went up in line a little more to Nick and Z.

"you thinkin you can just cut now?" Z says as I walk up.

"hmmm lemme think...yeah" i smile sarcastically.

I order my food and hear the total is $9.78. I reach in my pocket to grab my wallet and it's not there. I then look on the back of my phone wallet and I don't have any cards or cash.

"ohh shit" i turn around to Zion and Nick. "I forgot my money at my house, can one of y'all help me out?"

"i got you, y/n" Nick says as he hands the front counter a $10.

"thank you so much, i'll pay you back" i say as i place a hand out his shoulder without thinking.

Nick then leans down to my ear and whispers to where no one can hear. "I could think of a way you could pay me back" This sent goosebumps down my spine. I just giggled and shook my head side to side. He was unbelievable.

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