43: Stuck

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I woke up with a smile still on my face. The other night was amazing and I had a lot of fun with Nick. It was getting easier and easier with him. We were spending a lot of time together, which wasn't new, but now it was different. Our attraction wasn't all physical. Anyone could tell that what we had was a lot more. Everything with him was going great, but there was always the underlying factors. Those underlying factors being Dylan. I still lived in fear of him coming back or me finding someone new just to be blindsided, like what happened with him. It all ate up at my mind pretty often.

Today, Maggie and I were supposed to go out to lunch together. I was told to go pick her up from the PM house at 1, since she was already there. I got out of bed, and hopped in the shower real quick. I put up my hair up so it wouldn't get wet. I then got out and did my makeup. I only did my eyebrows, blush, eyelashes and lipgloss. I then styled my hair and did loose curls. Once I put on my outfit and jewelry, I left my house. I jammed out as I drove to the PM house and arrived shortly after.

Once I pulled into the driveway, I texted Mags that I was outside

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Once I pulled into the driveway, I texted Mags that I was outside. She told me to just wait for a little and she would meet me since I was already running late to our reservations we had. As I sat and waited, scrolling on my phone, a forceful knock on my window scared me and made me jump. I looked up to my left to see Nick chuckling. I rolled my eyes and then rolled down my window. He was bending down a little to see me.

"thank you for that" i said sarcastically.

"you're so welcome" he laughed. "whatchu doin? are you stalking me, y/n?"

I scoffed laughing. "humble yourself, i'm waiting on Maggie"

"ahhh you know that was my next guess"

"yeahhh i bet" i tease. "we're going out to lunch cause i'm starving as hell"

"oh well speaking of going out to eat and shit..." he begins as he leans his forearms on the bottom of the window opening. "when are just you and I gonna go out?"

"hmm i don't know, i guess you're just have to ask me" i say playing around.

"y/n, would you like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?"

"hmmm lemme think..." i joke. "yes, i'd love to, but only if it's a date."

"you best believe it's a date, ma" he replies, as his jersey accent comes out a lot. I absolutely love it when he calls me that. Just as he finished talking, Maggie opens the passenger door and gets in.

"ok, can you get there in 10 minutes?" she asked me.

"how long does maps say it will take?" i ask back.

"25 minutes"

"uh i'll try" i laugh and change the car into drive. I turn to look at Nick, again. "we're late to reservations"

"reservations? you guys fancy like that?"

"duh only the best for us" Maggie says jokingly. Nick laughs then looks back down at me smiling.

"see you later" he says as he leans in and kisses my cheek, before walking to go back inside. "bye" i smile back.

As soon as we're out of the driveway, Maggie starts the intense questioning that I knew would come up.

"ok y'all are cute as hell" she began. "what are y'all doing? i thought you were just fuck buddies but i can tell you're obviously more, girl."

"well, we decided that the whole friends with benefits thing was just a dumb way to deny our feelings for each other, you know?"

"annnnddd?" she said.

"aaanndd, now we're talking it slow, starting from the beginning, again."

"awww wait, that's actually so sweet. So, are y'all like, still...you know..."

"no, we're not having sex, if thats what you're asking" i laugh. "that's not part of starting over."

"Are you two like making this whole thing public, finally?" she says with a grin.

"public within our friends yes, but definitely not with the world. I do not want fans to think we're dating."

"yeah girl they get brutal, you should see my DMs." she said. "but you also get a lot more support, i don't know just...there are pros and cons." she says, as i nod my head in agreement. We finish our conversation as I pull into a parking space at the Mexican place we decided to eat at. We got inside and we're seated instantly. Maggie and I ate our meal and talked. She filled me in with everything going on in her life and I filled her in on mine. I told her about how I had began writing a song recently, but I couldn't finish it. I was stuck with my writing and couldn't think of anything else to say. She offered to help me as I got out the notes in my phone that I had copied the lyrics onto. I kept it in my phone, so when I had an idea, I could just write it down quickly. She looked back up at me after reading for awhile.

"y/n, this is amazing" she said with a huge smile.

"it's not too like depressing?"

"no, girl! also, so what if it's a sad song; that's what makes it so raw, you know?"

"yeah i get what you mean"

"I love this. We have to go lay this down." she said as she got out her money to pay.

"you mean right now?" i asked, getting out my money, as well.

"yes! Brandon is already at the studio and I was just gonna go meet him there anyway."

"i have no say in this, do i" i joke.

"nope, cmon!"

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