46: Embarrassed

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I open my eyes and instantly feel my head start pounding. I had the worst headache on earth. I sat still in bed as I wrapped my arms around my face, almost groaning in pain. I could tell how hungover I was going to be all day. I felt the space next to me sink into the bed, like someone had sat on it. I opened my eyes to see Nick sitting on the edge next to me with a smile, chuckling at me. I just gave him a death stare.

"how ya doing, sleeping beauty?" he laughed.

"how does it look like i'm doing?"

"don't worry, you just look like you had fun last night"

"i did but, i feel disgusting. i need to go home and take a shower."

"i could join" he said with a wink, as he rested his hand on my leg.

"ohhh, in your dreams" i said sarcastically.

"really? that's not what it seemed like last night.."

I looked confused for a second and then understood what he was talking about. Ugh, I instantly found the nearest pillow and smashed my face into it with a groan. He thought this was just hilarious.

"this is so embarrassing" i say, taking my face out of the pillow and looking back up at him.

"no it's not, i want to do that again, just you barely remember you even wanting to" he reassured me. "for real don't be embarrassed"

I looked up at him as he raised his eyebrows, waiting for a response. I nodded my head up and down and reached for his hand as he interlocked our fingers. We both just kind of looked at one another's hand as they joined, until he spoke again.

"also, you for sure won't be able to forget it the next time i get alone like that" Nick said as he looked up and down my face. I widened my eyes playfully.

"i'm gonna hold you to that...buuuut right now I need to go home." i said. He quickly reached down and pecked my forehead as he stood up. I got out of his bed and I was wearing Nicks shirt and a pair of shorts that I guess I had left here some time before. I was glad I had another one of his shirts, I mean I practically had his whole closet by now. I grabbed my heels and dress and held them in my hand as Nick and I both walked out of his room. We made it to the living room as Brandon, Austin, and Ansley we're sitting on the couches.

"woah woah woah PDA much?" Austin said jokingly.

"you can stop now" Nick said back, playing along. We made it to the front door eventually as I turned to the side to face Nick. We exchanged a quick look before his hand slipped on my lower back and my free hand went up to his face. He leaned in and our lips touched in unison. It was a slow, elongated kiss that made butterflies go crazy in my stomach. Once we pulled away, I saw a smirk stay on his face until I shut the door to leave.

I had a pep in my step as I walked back to my car and a huge smile on my face. I got in and turned on my favorite song as I drove home. Traffic was worse than usual, so it took even longer. I made it home after too long and made my way inside. I walked in to hear people talking coming from Nessa's room. I popped my head in to see who it was. I just saw Nessa and Emmet cleaning up her room.

"hey, i'm home" i say, getting their attention.

"heyyy girl, where did you stay last night? I was kinda worried." Nessa asked.

"actually i stayed over with Nick, but it wasn't like what you think" i laugh. "i can explain another time."

"oh well just glad your okay"

"thanks for looking out for me, Nessa" i smiled and walked back to my room and began a shower. I took an extra long time to wash off last night. Once I was finished, I got out and wrapped up in a towel as I began to check my phone. I had a couple texts from my sister I answered and a few snapchat's I was responding to, until I was checking my emails from yesterday and saw that my manager said I had a meeting at 2pm in downtown...today. I freaked out as I slid down on my phone to see the time and saw it was 1:23pm. I quickly unraveled my hair dryer cord and began to dry my hair. I got ready super quick, since the drive there would be awhile. I wore a quick, simple outfit.

 I just straightened and put some braids on the sides of my hair since it would be fastest

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I just straightened and put some braids on the sides of my hair since it would be fastest. I took a couple last looks in the mirror and was out the door with my keys in my hand.

I began the drive there right through town, so you know it took forever. I was just listening to music stuck in traffic when I remembered some pictures my team said I need to post soon. I knew I would be late to my meeting, so might as well be on their good side already and have these posted. It was stop and go traffic so I had lots of time to select them.


👤 y/n: denim ON denim 🦋🦋austinporter, jackgalinsky, and 501,259 others liked

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👤 y/n: denim ON denim 🦋🦋
austinporter, jackgalinsky, and 501,259 others liked.


user1: yessss!
user2: i love this outfit 🤍

Zionkuwonu: this ain't the 90's
| y/n: well i wish it was 🙃

EdwinHonoret: don't listen to Z, the 90's are where it's at 😎😎
| y/n: duhhh

user3: this isn't THAT cute but like...

MaggieLindemann: is that my jacket??
| y/n: mayyybe :)

user4: when are Zion and y/n gonna date
user 5: this is a great post.
user6: I have this same exact outift! TWINS!

therealnickmara: my chains lookin better on you 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
| y/n: maybe you should lemme borrow them again then...?
| therealnickmara: 🤦🏻‍♂️ oh no

user7: if nick and y/n don't tell us their dating soon imma flip my shit

user8: more like DENIM ON PATROL haha do u get it cause the...

I finally got to the building of my meeting and rushed my way inside with just being a few minutes late.


i am a HORRIBLE updater, i swear.
i definitely still have interest in this book so old what happened but, i'm back!!! I appreciate the comments y'all left and i love knowing y'all read these! I fell back a lil but i'm coming lol.
23k reads is out of this mf world....
thank you! 🤍

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