37: 5:30pm

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I went home that night and instantly got into bed. I felt exhausted and just felt like forgetting I existed. I slipped into sweatpants and a sweatshirt before dozing off to sleep.

I woke up, but didn't even want to move. I felt like shit. I was so mentally drained that I just laid in bed for longer and longer. My eyes fluttered open and I finally decided to check my phone for the first time. I squinted my eyes as I looked at the time. I said it was 5:30pm. This was the latest i've ever stayed in bed. I also saw a few texts.


Z ❄️
how you doing

12 missed calls
hey you ok in there? ik you're home

girl you worrying me

i heard what happened, call me if you want girl i got u

I texted Nessa back that I was ok. She told me she went to Emmets house and she would be home later to talk. To be honest, I didn't want to talk. I wanted to just sleep. I should probably reply to Z.

Z ❄️ :
how you doing


glad to know you're
doing ok, cause over here
isn't going as good

what you mean

lemme come over, i'll
bring food


aight, be over in 30

I stood up out of bed and went to look in my mirror. I looked dead. I had major bags under my eyes and my hair was ratty. I walked out of my room and into my kitchen. I took a blanket with me and wrapped my body in it as I sat down. It wasn't too long of just scrolling through instagram until I heard my door open and Zion walk into my kitchen.

"you look rough" he laughed as he set down bags of some Mexican food, getting it out.

"you're so nice" i said sarcastically.

"so you're fine?"

"i don't know, i've been thinking about it too much. I don't want to think anymore." I said as I rested my head on the table.

"well sorry but you gotta think, it's a humanly function type thing."

"you got jokes on the worst day to have jokes, Z"

"aight aight sorry" he laughed. "you talked to Nick yet?"

"nope, have you seen him?" I say as I look back up at him.

"yeah he came home this morning at like 7am"

"you talk to him?"

"he came out of his room one time just to tell the guys and I not to bother him. Brandon asked him what's wrong and all he said he fucked up."

"so he knows" i nodded my head.

"so i also went in his room and asked him where he went last night and he said he went 2 streets over and parked in one of his buddies garages. He didn't drive far apparently." Z said. My reply was to just raise my eyebrows. "he's in his bag, y/n. He won't stop blaring a bunch of sad Chris Brown songs, like i swear i've heard Goodbye like a million times." Zion set down a to-go box in front of me and handed me a fork.

"thank you for bringing this" i said.

"i figured you were acting jus like Nick was, so you know i had to."

"i'm not that bad"

"look at you" z teased. "how does Nick know he fucked up anyway. Didn't he just leave and you never found him?"

"well right before he left, i told him if he drove off that he would never see me again..."

"damn. i mean when you say sum you mean it."

"yeah i guess he didn't know that"

We ate and talked. Nothing else came up about the whole Nick situation, which I was happy about. It was easy talking Z. Everything was easy with him, we've never fought. We've been friends for about a year now and we have literally never seriously argued. After we were done eating, he and I cleaned it all up and decided to watch a movie. I wanted to watch Clueless, but he wanted to watch some Avengers movie that I hadn't heard of yet. We compromised after lots of bickering and we watched Toy Story 4, since we both hadn't seen it yet. I leaned onto the side of the couch with my legs on Z.

The movie went by fast. It was a lot of fun to just chill and watch a movie, too. Once it was over, I stood up and started stretching.

"aight i think i'm gonna head out" Z said as he grabbed his keys.

"thanks for coming over." i smiled back. "hey but also, could you not tell Nick about how i'm doing or like you know don't fill him in."

"what am i supposed to say then, y/n? he's gonna ask."

"just tell him i said not to tell him."

"that's gonna fuck with him, you know"

"he deserves it" i said with an attitude.

"no promises but i'll try" Z laughed as he started to open the door.

"ughhh" i groaned as I held the door for him.

Before Z stepped out the door, he bent down and pecked my cheek. He walked outside and pulled out of my driveway. I decided I was tired again, so I crawled back into bed, and fell asleep.


sorry about the short chapter :/
tbh i'm gonna start school again soon so the updating is not going to be very consistent or as often.

i'm trying to do as much as I can right now tho!!! 🤍


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