38: Finally Talk

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It had been 5 more days of me staying in bed all day. I didn't have energy to go out and do anything anymore. Nick hadn't even tried calling or texting me, yet. I didn't know what was going through his head. He hadn't posted on anything. He wasn't even liking posts. Maybe he took what I said seriously. Did he accept it that easily? I didn't know.

I woke up to a banging at my bedroom door. I sat up in bed, startled by the loud noises. I picked up my phone off the charger and saw it was 1pm.

"what?" i yelled at whoever was behind the door. They just kept knocking, so i stood up with a groan. I opened it to see Court and Nessa both standing there.

"get up and get ready, we're going shopping" Court insisted.

"y'all can go, i'm good i don't need anything." i say as i begin to close the door, but i'm stopped by them walking into my room. They began making my bed, turning on the lights, and opening my window blinds without saying anything. "guys i'm not coming it's ok"

"yes you are" Nessa stopped what she was doing and looked at me.

"how long are you going to just lay in bed for? it's been awhile, y/n" Court added.

"i don't know i just don't feel like doing anything right now" i said.

"no no you're coming, girl, get ready. don't you want to show Nick that you don't care? you shouldn't let him control you like this."

"wait? how'd y'all its about Nick?"

"uhm edwin may have told us, but only cause he's worried! Court said.

"Staying cooped up in your room for days straight isn't going to do anything for you." Nessa added. I looked around and thought for a second. They were right. I shouldn't be so messed up over a guy who I wasn't even dating. It was just a fling. I was still extremely hurt, but i couldn't show Nessa and Court that. I wanted to make them happy, so I agreed to go with them today. I took a well needed shower and then got dressed.

I did minimal make up

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I did minimal make up. I straightened my hair and put in a messy side ponytail. Once I was done, it was 2:30pm. We were about to walk out to leave when Zion called me. I picked it up.

"hey whatchu doing" he said.

"actually Nessa, Court and I are going to do a little shopping"

"finally you're out of hibernation"

"it was 5 days, calm yourself"

"anyway, I was gonna ask if you could bring me my charger? i left it at your house the other night and i would come get it, but you know, i don't have a fucking car."

"yeah you're on the way to where we're going, so i'll drop it by in like 15"

"bet, thanks y/n, you're the best"

"you think i don't know that?"

"bruh" we laughed and hung up. I looked back up to see Nessa and Court have wide eyed looks at me.

"what, do i have something on my face?" i asked, concerned.

"no just...Zion was here the other night" Court said as she raised her eyebrows a few times.

"i- not like that." i said laughing. "he brought me food and we watched a movie, that's it"

"well did you cuddle during the movie"

"well...i mean...kinda, not really" i said unsure.

"mmmhm yeah, it's definitely like that."

"let's just go" i said as he walked outside and got into my car. We drove over to the PM house and I parked real quick. I didn't see Nicks car there, so I decided I could just go see the guys and give Z his charger real fast. Court and Nessa just stayed in the car since it wouldn't be long. I got up the steps and knocked on their door, as B opened it.

"y/n!" he said loudly, he was obviously saying it loud enough to warn someone I was there. "what's up, girl?"

"nothing much, i gotta give Z his charger"

"did he make you come all the way here just for his charger?" B laughed.

"yeah i'm his personal uber since he doesn't have a car" i joked.

"better you than me. c'mon in, i'll go get him" B said as he walked into the living room. I just stood inside the front entrance room. I was scrolling on my phone until i heard a familiar voice.


I looked up and saw Nick standing a few feet away. His hair went over his forehead a little, since he hadn't done it. That was my favorite when his hair looked like that. He was in sweatpants and a sweatshirt with his hands in his pockets. I just looked at him with a neutral face. I didn't want to say anything.

"what are you doing here?" he asked after a little.

"uh bringing Zion his charger" i held it up the charger for a second. He just nodded his head a little.

"Are you going somewhere? You're dressed up to" he asked after awhile of silence. This was more awkward than I could imagine.

"i don't really want to make small talk with you right now, Nick." I said as I pulled back out my phone.

"Then can we just talk? talk about the other day?" he said, walking a little closer.

"i'm just gonna give him his charger and leave i think"

"Y/n, please. It's been fucking me up ever since." He said. I hate what he did to my thinking. I thought for a second and finally nodded my head up and down. He started walking back to his room and I followed. He held the door as I walked in and then shut it again. I just stayed standing. After shutting the door, he took a second and then faced me again, walking to me.

"y/n, i am so sorry. I was an idiot and- and just got jealous. I wasn't thinking straight and made an impulse decision that i instantly regretted. I didn't drive but three minutes down a few streets."

"but you drove...you drove drunk after i trusted you with my dads story."

"As soon i pulled away I felt horrible, i regretted it all. y/n, i would never meaningfully do that to you."

"It's been 5 day's, why did i not hear from you?" i ask.

"because I know you and I know myself. We both need time to think and process, so we don't say or do something we would end up regretting. That's something I didn't do the other night.

"You can't just leave like that, it won't solve any problems"

"i know, i-"

"i didn't even kiss the guy back, Nick. It was meaningless dancing."

"you know the reason I got so pissed, y/n." he said as he walked even closer.

"i- i want-" i say, stuttering my words, before Nick cuts in, standing right in front of me.

"y/n, i'm falling in love with you...and seeing you with other guys like that makes me mad, because it's not me."

I pause for a second just staring up at him. I have to process what he just said. I start to get butterflies everywhere.

"you can't be mad though, Nick. You and I aren't a thing."

After I tell him this, he doesn't say anything. We just look at one another for a little. I missed him a lot. 5 days seem longer than you think. I look at the ground, avoiding his eyes. I can feel myself start to tear up.

"Court and Nessa are outside waiting for me, I have to go." I say as I walk past him and open his door.

"text me" nick says before i walk out. I just turned and nodded my head up and down before leaving Zions charger on the counter and leaving the house.

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