28: Show Me Love

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By now, Nick and I have been friends with benefits for about two months. It's crazy how fast time has gone by. I feel like he was just fixing my car for me. As for the rules part of this whole agreement, I have been slacking a little. We kinda ditched the rule about not being aloud to stay the night. We never really talked about it either. A week or two ago, I let him sleep over and ever since then it's just a usual thing now. It would almost be weird if we didn't sleep over now. The only rules we have left now are that we're not exclusive and no feelings. I'm following both other rules so far.

I don't like saying it out loud, but things in my life are going so well. I'm making good grades in my classes, I have great friends that actually listen and care about me, and i'm getting into my singing career a lot more now. I used to be much more serious about my dancing, but I feel more comfortable with it being kind of my escape now. When I am stressed with school or just going through some stupid drama, I always find myself at the studio. Whether that be dance or sound studio, that is. I have yet to go with B to the studio, but Maggie and I go pretty often.

I was actually on my way to the studio right now to meet Maggie. She had a good friend who always hooked her up with the best audio equipment. It was already 10pm, so I wasn't in any fancy outfit.

I pulled up to the house and met Maggie inside

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I pulled up to the house and met Maggie inside. It was super chill. Maggie had recorded just some back ground vocals for some stuff she's been working on as i listened and even helped her out for a little bit of it. I was sitting on the couch on my phone while Maggie and the guy who owned this all were talking about some range editing i didn't know about.

"hey y/n, do you wanna hop on in there and do something?" Maggie said.

"oh like some more vocals?"

"no like just you. go do something alone i mean"

I was surprised but i also was super excited. I have only ever sang into like videos on my phone and smaller set ups. Nothing i've done was a real studio like this.

"yes for sure!"

Maggie guided me into the room and propped the mic up to where it was at my face.

"What song you gonna do?"

"maybe Show Me Love?"

"that song is PERFECT for you, yes!" She then stepped out and shut the door as I put one headphone over my ear. I heard the beginning of the song start and all the nerves I had just washed away. I was definitely in my element. I just sang like I was doing it for a video on my phone. It was easy and I really enjoyed this song. Once I finished, I saw Mags on the other side of the glass clapping her hands together really quick with a huge smile on her face. I just laughed and stepped out. It was only about 5 minutes until Maggie's friend sent me my voice memo to my phone.

"You have some really good raw talent. You trying to do this professionally?" he said to me.

"uh no not really, it's fun not doing it seriously, so why ruin it you know?"

"no i get it, almost all famous singers aren't happy, so"

After we finished, the three of us said our goodbyes and i drove back to my house. I stepped in my front door and saw people that were not my roommate. I jumped a little at the sight of them. It was Haley, Zion, Nick and Ed.

"whaaat the hell?" i say.

They were all watching a movie on my tv and we're all on my couches spread out. I walk further into my living room so they could see me.

"oh hey y/n, we were gonna watch a movie at our house but then Zion broke Brandon's lap top and things got heated" Ed said.

"so y'all decided to come here, without me here?" i laughed.

"well we didn't know you wouldn't be here, damn where were you?"

"naw i don't care but I went to the studio with Maggie" I say as I sit down on the couch in between Edwin and Nick. "i'm about to post the voice memo right now.


👤y/n: this my fav song atm so you know i had to cover it 🙌🏼
corinna, Giovanny, and 344,823 others liked.


user1: wow that's it just wow
user2: Diamond is better.

louisdipippa: you got crazy talent girl
           | y/n: i appreciate it
tony_lopez: litteraly killing it
            | y/n liked

user3: i love this song 🥺

edwinhonoret: FIRE 🔥
            | y/n liked
austinporter: good stuff y/n
              | y/n liked

user4: wheres nicks comment?
       | user5: litteraly

maggie: angelic 🤍🤍
          | y/n: i learn from you girl

user6: u suck

A few minutes after i post, I set down my phone and start to pay attention to the movie. I could sort of follow along, but not a lot. I was trying to piece together the movie as I saw Nick lean over to me from the corner of my eye.

"we could go back to your room with more privacy" he whispered in my ear, only to where i could hear.

"i'm not leaving our friends while we're hanging out" i whisper back.

"we're watching a movie y/n they won't even notice"

"no" i whisper, turning my face to him. I wait a second then look back at the screen again.

"fine" Nick then put his arm around me. We were already sitting close so it was pretty comfortable. I didn't know if Haley, Z or Edwin would even look over to us, but what we were doing was harmless. Just two friends...cuddling

I was actually getting tired, so i just let myself fall asleep. I knew the other guys knew where my stuff was, they didn't need me. I mean they came into my house and set up a whole ass movie without me here. They were fine. I fell asleep as i rested my head on Nicks chest.


I wake up to the sunlight coming though my windows and loud laughing in the same room i'm in, my living room. It seems like a laugh that's familiar but I couldn't recognize it. I felt that I was now laying down on my couch while still on Nick. I opened my eyes a little to see he was still asleep. I then panned my view over to the talking and laughing and saw where the familiar laugh was coming from.

My mom was standing in my living room, too, talking to Edwin and Zion.

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