1: tuff.

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Lisa's pov

Im walking in the noisy hallway of high school. I get some occasional stare's, im that quiet kid, not talkative like everyone else, i blend in with people, to the point that you can never notice me. Im that one person in class who never raised there Hand.i just go up to the bored when called. Im not shy, i just don't like talking, or expressing my self. I find it cringy.

Growing up with three older brothers that is from my step dad's side, like most men i alway's hide my feelings, just showing my tuff exterior, not letting anyone see me vulnerable side.

"hey baby sis"said taehyung hyung. I know i should call him oppa but nah. Me saying that to someone would really be embarrassing, will i find it embarrassing

"don't call me that hyung"i said as i started walking again.. And he laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders and lean his head on mine.

"you know irene. She's in your class-" i cut him off, as i already know where this is heading.

"no. Im not gonna help you win one of you're bet's"i said and he pout, as i just sigh.

"baby sis, come on do it for you're favourite brother "he said pouting.

"First off you're not my favourite, i dislike three of you guy's fair and square, second ,no. You can't change my mind."i said as i slap his arm of my shoulder, as i started walking away.

"im gonna kiss you in public! If you don't help meeee"he said and puck his lip's together and i just ran as fast as my long leg's can.

"BABY SIS!! COME TO ME!! LET ME KISS YOU'RE PRETTY FACE! " he said running after me.. Hell no,hell no, hell no!!.

I made a turn and he did as well his catching up. And we then made it to the cafeteria.. I then saw my other two brothers . I then went to them and hide at the back of namjoon hyung and jin hyung..

"KISS ME! "taehyung hyung said as i t hug namjoon hyung's one arm same with jin hyung, my face

"HYUNG STOP IT!!! "i said in a squeal, curse my high pitched voice!

"no. No no. You help me-"i didn't let him finish. Since i know he won't stop bothering me. Aishhhh

"PLEASE... oppa~" i said the last word in a whisper for my hyung's to hear.

"AWWWW!!"my hyung's said as the three of them hugged me,ugh!

"our baby sis. Did you just call us -"i didn't let them finish there sentence.

"SHUT UP! "i said as i pout and they just pinch my cheek causing me to roll my eyes

"if you four don't mind, "said one person in our group of friends that is more of my acquaintance. Jeon jungkook. His cold demenor and stare when we meet eye's never changed since kindergarten, while he treats everyone differently but me. His always smiling or rather happy when talking to others but when with me. His just this cold person, all ways a awkward tension between us two.

"yes we do"i said and done he rolled his eyes.

"maybe if you roll you're eye's far enough maybe you can actually find you're small brain "i said annoyed and he glared at me.

"are you saying im stupid?! "he said and i smirk at him.

"aren't i to obvious or you're just really proving me right? "i said a smirk on my lips. His tounge poked the side of his inner cheek.

"you better stop or i might just kill you"he said causing me to laugh.

"tch. Please boi. I ain't scared of nobody... especially a boy like you"i said and he stand up. My hyung's then was grabbing my shoulder. Taehyung hyung the come between us.

"not our baby sis bro.not her if you don't want me to forget you're my best friend "taehyung hyung said. And jungkook just storm off..

"stop pushing jungkook's bottons! "said jin as he flicked my forehead and i pout..

"HYUNG!! HE WAS THE ONE WHO WAS BEING RUDE FIRST! "i said massaging my forehead.

"aish what ever. Let's just go to class. And you don't think i didn't know you skipped class. Remember that you're brother is the school council president "said namjoon hyung and i sigh.

"exactly so i can get away with what ever i want. If you dont want me to tell mom who broke the refrigerator, again"i said and give him a innocent smile. And he looked at me with this disturb look on his face..

"bye bye sweet old brother of mine"i said as i wave to him going to the roof top. To get some fresh air. I put my hands on my pockets as i lean on the wall. I sigh and only looked at the sky.

It's not that im sad, it's not that im hurt, it's not that i feel trap. Its that i feel absolutely nothing. *sigh*

"so you think you can hang here now? "i heard the door open and it was no other than him.

"fuck off dude. "i said to him as i roll my eyes.

"You fuck off this is my spot"jungkook said to me causing me to laugh.

"psh. Yeah sure. Claim it i for one ain't scared of you're ass, boy"i said and he looked at me angry. And went near me

"so help me i can kill you right her right now"he said i laughed louder.

"i like to see you tr-"i didn't get to finish my sentence when he grabbed my hand and now im standing in front of him.. He grabbed the collar of my jacket and now im standing on my toe's, our lip's so close i found him staring at mine. And then he did the thing that can trully kill anyone. He kissed me. For one second i didn't fight back but when i realised the reality i pushed him. He has dissapointed look in his eye's.but i to choose to look away

"i have a different definition of kiss babe"he teased. But this look in his eyes won't fade. I then shake my head and try punching him but he Dodge

"this didn't happen, you didn't do what you did, we don't know each other, let's keep it that way... I don't wanna see you're face near me "i said in a cold tone wiping my lip's hiding the redness of my cheeks as i grabbed my mask. My heart beating so fast like it never did before, this new feeling. It's dangerous, so i have to terminate it,forget this feeling

I didn't bother looking at him and just went out the rooftop.

Jungkook's pov

Her cold eye's while saying those words i knew i fucked it up. Since kindergarten i would always find myself thinking of her and looking at her. I can't help it i wanted to talk and just be closer to her but every time i try her brothers alway's get in the way.

Flash back

"hey hyung... I was thinking why won't you invite you're sister to ou-"taehyung hyung didn't let me finish my sentence.

"no. My sister is off limits jungkook, don't think i don't see you looking at her when ever she's near you. Im warning you. Not my sister if you don't want me forget we're ever friends "he said coldy it's like someone threw ice cold water at my body. My body stiffin that he can be this cold towards me

We are the schools player's always on party's, drinking, trouble, and players of the school. I get that there only protect there sister. But...

That's what i wanna do to. Protect her, appreciate her, maybe even show my feelings?

I have to act coldly towards her causing for her to dislike me and now apparently with what i just did hate me. There's no way she's gonna talk to me again! I fucked it up!

Goat's we're popular torture methods in past. There tongues is so rough that they we're used to lick and rip the skin off people's feet.

The more you know 😗😗

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