26: babysitting

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"i can't find a babysitter " lisa said in a panick as she hang up the phone ,as she sighed sitting on the bed.

Jungkook who was polishing his gun put it on the table by there bed. And went to her. Kissing the crock of her neck. Wrapping an arm around her waist.

"don't stress about something that can easily be fixed baby, will figure it out" jungkook mumbel looking at her. Lisa then looked over at him.

"why is being a parent harder than being a spy" lisa groan as she lean her forehead to his. Jungkook then chuckel pecking her lip's. When a sudden idea came to Lisa's mimd.

"bun. . . Aren't you close with one of our neighbour? That taehyung guy, right? "said lisa as she lean back.

"i wouldn't say close. Compare to our other neighbours i guess so, why? "jungkook asked with a Confused look on his face.

"but you've talked right? Weren't you and him in the same wood working class i made you go at a few days ago? "lisa asked. Jungkook only nodded.

"is he a nice guy? " lisa asked.

"seem's so, where is this going? "jungkook said,

"maybe. . . We can ask them to babysit our kid's, i mean his wife seem's nice as well, we can't leave them alone," lisa said as she cup his face.

"they moved in, three months ago, which mean's they won't know what people say about us, and our kid's. —" lisa was cut off by jungkook.

"which mean's we can basically trick them into babysitting, baby since when did you become so cruel " jungkook joked pecking her cheek, lisa then pouted.

"hey, our babies aren't that bad. And beside if you say there bad kids when your there parent, is you just basically saying, you failed as a dad, "said lisa. Jungkook only roll his eyes.

"our babies just don't like other people trying to control them, which they took from you, so shush bun it's settled, will fool them into babysitting " said lisa as she kiss his lip's patting his cheek lightly as she lay's in bed.

"oh boy, hope our neighbours house is still standing when we get back. "jungkook mumbel under his breath as he lay beside her.


"are you sure you want us to watch your kid's? "said taehyung awkwardly, as he looked down at the three eight year old boy's, who had there arm's crossed, with a frown on there face's.

"yeah. . . I mean you barely know us. And your trusting us with your children? "said jennie. Lisa and jungkook then awkwardly smile.

"i know, i know, we're really sorry. This is really sudden and—jungkook's cousin's, cousin's friend died and it's so sad, we're going to his memorial, im just—i can't " said lisa as she acted as if she's gonna cry. As she then looked up acting as if trying to hold in her tears.

"wait. . . Who died? Who's cousin—what? "asked taehyung as he scratched the back of his head. Jennie then just nudged him.

"it's my cousin,who has a cousin in which his cousin's friend died. It's an unfortunate death, as you can see my wife is very emotional about the topic" said jungkook as he crees the back of Lisa's back.

"im very sorry for your cousin,cousin's friend loss—did i say that correctly—"jennie then was cut off. When lisa acted to faint.

"OH MAH—"jennie gasped covering her mouth in shock while jungkook then carry lisa bridal Style,.

"im gonna take her to the hospital, please take care of the kid's for us, we love you kid's, be good, bye, thank you again jennie and taehyung " said jungkook as he back's away heading to the car.

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