3:childish pt2

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And the interview is finally done, jungkook, then got up from his seat, and grab Lisa's wrist, and run, lisa run aswell, being dragged by him, they then stopped inside the fire exit,

"ahh, jungkook, what is it? "said lisa trying to catch her breath,

"uhhh "said jungkook, then and there Lisa realise what he is trying to do, she tried to go out, but jungkook blocked it,

"no, no, no, no, lali..."jungkook whined, and lisa looked at him crossing her arms

"Listen to me, You, Are, not, the, boss, of me, "said lisa, jungkook pout, he hold her waist pouting,

Jungkook then pushed her closer to him, lisa was starteld, she looked up, there eyes meet, looking up to him, this close, she couldn't help but blush,

"Don't go, please.. noona ~ " said jungkook using his noona card,

Lisa then looked away,

"no. "said lisa, staring at him, more.. Proffessional,

'no feelings, no feelings "said lisa to herself,

"Hmhp, fine"said jungkook glaring at her slightly, as he let go of her waist, he goes out the fire exit with a bad mood, a frown on his face,

While bts had go home, lisa was on the supposed 'date'it was going well nothing worth to tell happen, just a simple hangout between strangers, until lisa goes to bts dorm, as her jennie unnie texted her to come there,
She opened the door,

"LIS, THANK GOD! Jungkook's drinking, he locked himself in his room, he won't come out, or even open the door "said jin, to her, lisa then mess her hair up, as she went uo the stairs and knocked on his door

"JUNGKOOK-AH! OPEN THIS DOOR YOU BRAT! "said lisa, it then unlocked lisa went in, the room was dark, she just felt someone hug her, the smell of alcohol lingers, as he hugged her,

"why did you end my calls? Did he did anything to you? Do you like him? "jungkook said, his chin burry on the crock of her neck, lisa sigh,

"drinking is bad, you shouldn't drink"said lisa, creesing the back of his head,

"you wouldn't come if i didn't right? "said jungkook,

"why does it bother you to much? It's not a big deal-"lisa was cut off by jungkook, groaning

"Tch, are you that dense? I like you, i like you so much that it drived me crazy thinkinh of the possibility that you might like that guy.. "said jungkook hugging her tightly, lisa stand there frozen, yet a smile on her face formed, she hugged him, wraping her arm's on his neck, she kissed his cheek,

"good, i thought you didn't like me, back"said lisa, jungkook turned to her lifted her up, jungkook then closed in the space between the two,

"Ugh, you're mouth taste like alcohol "said lisa jungkook laughed, as he put's her down,

"yet you still kissed me"he said a smile on his face, lisa roll her eyes,

"I hope you don't remember this tommorow -"lisa was cut off

"if he doesn't, will tell him, we can stand you two being flirty and then, suddenly 'just friends ' "said jisoo as bts and jennie, jisoo, and rosé was at the door just watched the scene before them

"That shit was so cringy, we we're supposed to come in aswell, but suddenly we we're like air, "said suga, as he just walked away, namjoon followed soon, the two was leaft alone,

"sleep"lisa said unwrapped her arm's on his neck, jungkook pout, he then just walk to his bad and fall lisa falling with him

"Sleep with me"said jungkook

"that doesn't sound right, kook"said lisa jungkook just laughed ,jungkook just snuggle his face on the crock of hed neck



The picture for your funeral program maybe already taken.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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