10: a love so toxic

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Do you know that kind of love that you know that's toxic but you convince yourself it isn't?

That type of love that you know you deserve better but that person make's you think otherwise.

That you rather settle for less than have what you deserve but lose the person your madly in love with.

To lose someone that can be considered as a drug. the way he got you so addicted.

do you havea person, a friend, like that?

The person that you love, that make's you feel unloveable.

If you don't. You wouldn't understand.
The feeling when they say something nice. That sweet moment where they say something good about you.

And those moment's keeps her addicted.

All the reasons for her sin's is love.

Is it her fault?

"relax angel. This isn't gonna hurt you. Not that much to kill you "jungkook said as he traced the back of his index-finger on her cheek,looking at her. Looking at her eyes.

Lisa then gulped.

"Do it already " lisa said daringly, causing jungkook to laugh like a maniac. And without warning he put's the burning hot metal on her left chest. The metal had his initials onto it.

Jungkook kept on laughing as lisa scream loud. Tears now falling on the corner of her eyes.

"You said you'll suffer for me, This is only the beginning angel, buckel up " jungkook said as adrineline rush, running in his veins as he pushed the metal rod deeper. Causing lisa to scream louder.

"Cause i'll make sure. You'll regret loving me"jungkook said beside her ear as he peck the side of her head. Throwing the metal rod away. Lisa breath heavily.

"i-is th-that i-it gguk? Hahahahahahahaha. C'mon baby you can do better! "lisa said laughing like a maniac, jungkook chuckel. Then hold her neck tightly. Lisa only smile looking at him.

Jungkook then lean closer making there forehead's touch.still looking at her. A sly smile flaster on her lip's.

Lisa then lifted her chin up making there lip's touch, kissing him, jungkook kissed her back closing his eyes.

As he tighted his hold on her neck as the kiss take's longer hand now marking on her neck.

Lisa tried to pull back as she felt as if her head is now about to explode. But jungkook didn't let her.

"you can leave me anytime, you can go anytime you like angel. You can just say it, say you don't want me anymore. And i'll let go" jungkook mumbel between the kiss. Lisa then laughed, even with him choking her.

"t-this i-is no-nothing ba-baby "lisa said as she tried to laugh. Ignoring all the pain. Her eyes start to flutter close,heart beating slower. That's when jungkook let go of her neck and backed up. Making lisa grasp for air.

Jungkook watching in amusement as she sat up. And started laughing. Clapping her hand's.

Loving him. Also made her crazy.

"AGAIN BABY again! "Lisa clapped in as she turned to him only wearing her bra and high-waisted shorts with high-heel boots.

Jungkook then cup her face with one hand making her closer, making her bruised lips pout a bit.

"You never learn"jungkook said smiling as he kiss her roughly. Blood oozing out of the marking on her chest.

"YOOO JUNGKOOK—" taehyung holted. Looking at the scene before him.

Blood ozzing out of Lisa's upper chest. And her looking as if it's nothing and the couple just kissing.

"What do you want ?"jungkook asked as he pulled back from lisa. Causing lisa to pout and glare at taehyung.

"Thank's for ruining our quality time"lisa said as she roll her eyes.

"why is she bleeding? "taehyung asked. Jungkook just roll his eyes

"why is it your concern? What is it hyung?!"jungkook asked again. This time causing taehyung's attention.

"Umm. Jin hyung asked if you two rather have pizza or pasta. IS THIS WHAT YOU DO WITH EACH OTHER?! "taehyung asked .lisa then lean her head boredly to his chest. As she roll her eyes.

"why are you acting as if you never seen someone bleeding before oppa. Your a mafia gang. Remember " lisa said jungkook then pulled her hair causing her to groan.

"did anyone ask for your opinion?,just shut the fuck up. Alright angel. "jungkook said firmly as he hold her hair tight, lisa groan a bit louder as she just nod's.

"Will have pizza, will be out later " jungkook said, taehyung only nod awkwardly as he closed the door.

"damn. Does two have issue's "taehyung mumbel as he sighed.

"let's clean your wounds angel "jungkook laughed mischievously. As lisa was now laying on the metal bed. As she prepares for the pain.

Jungkook then pour alchol on her open wound, lisa scream in pain,as jungkook wipes off the dry blood on her skin. Acting as if lisa isn't screaming bloody murder. Soon enough jungkook put bandage on her wound. Lisa put's her shirt back on

Lisa then turn to the side where jungkook was and lean her head to his chest. Wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Your scared to admit and show it. But baby i know you love me. Your just scared. I love you to" lisa mumbel as she hug's him tightly. Jungkook then crees her hair. Pecking the top of her head.


The roman's use urine as mouthwash, And powdered mouse Brian as toothpaste .talk about hygiene

The more you know 😗😗😗

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