16: puca love recipe

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Based on a cartoon series *

*there senior highschool students*


Jungkook was never one of those people who tries to find love, in fact he avoids it, he think's that loving someone so much is very dangerous, to put your love in one person that can possibly hurt you, is very scary so he avoid's it .

But one admirer is just to persistent, is so hard headed, that what ever he says,or do. It seem's to just go over her head,

"Hey lisa! " jungkook's ear perked up a bit hearing the name. As mingyu said.

"Fuck" jungkook mumbel as he looked behind him and sure enough lisa was there with a huge grin curved on her lip's like usual eye's on jungkook. Jungkook looked away and started running away.

"KOOOKIEEEE WAITTT FOR MEEE!! "jungkook heard from a distance but he only ran faster not turning back.

"KOOKIEEE I BAKED YOUU SOME COOKIE'S !!!" lisa whined, jungkook even got more motivation to run faster as he doesn't wanna have those 'CoOkIEs' of her's knowing very well how terrible the girl is when it comes to cooking.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME! "jungkook screamed as he turned avoiding the wet floor swiftly. Lisa on the other hand didn't.

Lisa slipped hard. Causing a loud thud. Students near looked at her direction, jungkook did to.

"owww" lisa said as she groan creasing her head.

"is anything broken? "lisa hear causing to looked up. She frown as she was expecting jungkook but instead it was yugyeom. Lisa then turned to the other side. Met eyes with jungkook, and he just simply looked away then walked by, lisa pouted.

"lali" yugyeom called out, lisa frown as she looked down, yugyeom sighed. As he go to her level. He then picked some crums on her hair. The cookie's splatter to the floor.

Jungkook then was peeking on the corner. Watching the two. Rolled his eyes when yugyeom started caresing lisa's hair, as lisa sat there pouting looking down.

"if it's bothering you, then go there" jungkook jumped a bit, seeing bambam he then put his hand on his heart still in shock.

"jesus. Don't scare me"jungkook said attempting to avoid answering the question.

"you like lisa dont you? "bambam teased, jungkook only roll his eyes. As he scoffed.

"me? Tsk please bambam don't make me laugh, "jungkook said as he crossed his arm's. Rolling his eyes. Bambam just shake his head a bit.

"then why we're you staring at yugyeom and lisa like a creep? " bambam asked.

"i-i. . . I just ship them" jungkook said reluctantly.

"oh really? —then your gonna love this. Look" bambam said as he pointed on the two. Yugyeom carrying lisa on his back. Lisa's chin resting on yugyeom's shoulder smiling.

"i thought you 'sHiP' them? —why are you glaring at yugyeom? "bambam asked acting oblivious, a way of teasing him. Jungkook just roll his eyes. As he nudged bambam by walking pass him brushing there shoulders. Bambam just chuckel.

Jungkook then found yugyeom and lisa and they were———


You can't say 'good eye might' without an accent.

I said you can't and you still tried!!😑

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