21:what's wrong with the ceo?

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Taehyun was running as hr was late. Being late and working at golden jeon's is like a resignation letter. Taehyun's heart beat's so fast as he wait's for the elevator, constantly checking his watch. As the elevator doors open taehyun quickly went in. As the other employees went out.

"HOLD THE DOOR!! PLEASE! "yelled kai more of muffled as he had toast in his mouth all the while fixing his tie and holding you a cup of coffee, binders snapped in between his bicep. Taehyun then hold the door for his co worker and friend.

"HURRY !"said taehyun. Kai then went in breathing heavily.

"thank's man" kai thanked as he chew his toast.

"we're five minutes late" taehyun said ad he looked at his watch then to the levels of the elevator as it goes getting in patient.

"tell me about it, our department also have a presentation today. Aishhh " said kai as his shoulders slumped.

The door then opened.

"annyeong!! "Said lia joyfully. Taehyun and kai looked at eachother and sighed.

"annyeong lia. Are you with your mommy? " asked kai as there boss is always in a good mood when his wife and daughter is in the building.

"nope. Mommy and daddy got in a fight today. So it's just me, " said lia as she patiently wait for her stop.

Kai and taehyun sighed. It will surely be hell of a day then.

"annyeong" said kai with a already exhausted tone as he got out of the elevator.

"lia. Did they fight badly? Is your daddy mad? "asked taehyun to lia.

"Yeah. Daddy's pretty mad. " said lia innocently, not knowing the impact of fear that bought to taehyun.

"well. . .Annyeong lia, have a good day" said taehyun as he got out to his floor. Smiling lightly at lia then going on his way.

His co-worker's was working as if bee's running around it seem's like a mess. The sound of printer's, his co worker's yelling, people walking around with stacks and stacks of paper's in hand. Taehyun sighed before joining in the madness.

"DADDDYYYY!! "said lia as she got in the office smiling widely.

"where did your mommy go princess? " asked jungkook as he made the seven year old sat on his desk just beside his paper work, lia's feet dangel.

"um... Mommy said don't tell you" said lia. Making jungkook more annoyed.

"you choose mommy over daddy? I thought your my princess, you love mommy more than daddy? " jungkook asked pouting. Lia then cup her father's face.

"Mommy carried me in her belly for nine months, she said giving birth to me was really painful, she gained weight because of me, I've changed her body so much. Daddy... I think it's the least i can do for mommy" said lia as she smiled pecking jungkook's forehead. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"come one princess. Daddy's worried for mommy's safety, you know how clumsy she is" jungkook said, lia then only crossed her arm's looking away.

"mommy said she'll just come back" said lia, jungkook then sighed.

"alright. Stay here. I have a meeting to attend to" said jungkook as he stand up putting lia down. Lia then nodded. Jungkook pecked her forehead. As he went on his way. With a blank expression on his face.

Jungkook went in the room. He then sat on his chair. The room was dead silent.

"what the hell are you waiting for? Christmas? "jungkook asked sarcastically, eun-ju the one presenting then signal kai to move on to the next slide.

Everyone's eyes went wide.

"that's a picture of my wife. In a fucking bikini. Who's computer is that? "asked as his hand formed a fist. Eun-ju gulped. And quickly acted, he wanted to close that tab but it only multipled, a bunch of pictures of lisa poped up on the screen.

"THAT'S NOT MY COMPUTER! "kai yelled out of fear as he backed away.
As jungkook was now fueling in anger. Multiple employees was now gathering just to shut the computer down.

That's when-


Women cry 30-64 time's a year while as a man cry about 6-17 time's a year.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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