20: delicate baby

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jungkook was doing some paper work,when someone just sat on his lap burrying her head ,wrapping her arms around his neck. Jungkook then crees her back lightly.

"what's wrong hmm baby? Why are you upset? "jungkook asked. Lisa then looked at him, with a frown on her lip's.

"do i look like a slut? "lisa asked. As she unwrapped her arm's around his neck. And fiddled with her finger's. Jungkook then kiss her forehead.

"of course not, who said you are? "jungkook asked. Lisa then lean her head to his chest.

"i heard some of your men talking about me" lisa said. Which made jungkook mad'er but didn't wanna show lisa that she is.

"is that so?. You know what baby. Go to our bedroom, we'll watch some movies, would that cheer you up? "jungkook said as calm as he could. Lisa then smiled and nod.

"Yeah. Don't take long ok? "lisa said jungkook then nod kissing her cheek's lisa then stand a pout on her lip's going out his office,

"Mingyu. Get all the men in the basement " jungkook said as he called his right hand man. As he stand Loading his gun.

"why? "asked mingyu.

"I don't want no rat talking about my woman badly" jungkook said with a cold tone. Making mingyu sigh, knowing what's about to come.

"Right away sir. " said mingyu as he hang up.

After a few minutes, jungkook finally arrived at the basement, all his men felt pressure just by his presence. Jungkook then sat on a chair. With a blank expression on his face.

"Who's talking about my woman? Who has the gut's to even look at her? "jungkook asked, the room was dead silent. Causing jungkook to chuckle, that send's chivers down the guys spine.

"tell me who. Or i'll kill each and everyone of you" jungkook said as crossed his arm. The gun in hand, the guy's then gulped.

"sir i don't think—" mingyu was cutt off.

"Shut up. Your not a part of this" jungkook said harshly, mingyu then just nod. Taking the wise decision.

"Better confess now. Because she'll tell me who it was anyway. And it would end up worst for you" said jungkook as he looked around the room.

"hyung-jang! Hyung-jang has been spreading rumors about her! "Said one guy, as he pointed at hyung-jang, who turned pale. Hand's started shaking. Heart beating rapidly because of fear.

"You snitch" hyung-jang groan.

"Well. . .what romour's are you spreading about my woman? "jungkook asked ,hyung-jang then gulped.

"bo-boss... I... Im sorry! Boss please don't kill me! " hyung-jang pleaded as he got to his knees. Jungkook only looked at him blankly.

"What romour's have you been spreading? "jungkook asked again but this time firmer. The guy looked down

"t-that i... I fucked her" hyung-jang said. And just by that jungkook kicked him, as jungkook cracked his fingers .

"what else? "jungkook asked as his now standing. No one dared to help hyung-jang.

"Boss please have Mercy on—" hyung-jang then was cut off.

"loveyy" lisa was heard knocking on the door.

"bring him to the torture room"said jungkook as he gave the gun to mingyu.

He then headed for the door .

"this is not over" jungkook said before going out the room.

"what took you so long? "asked lisa as she pouted. Jungkook then wrapped his arms around her waist. Pushing her closer .

"im here now. Let's go baby" jungkook said as he pecked her forehead carrying her like a baby. Lisa then rest her chin on his shoulder. Jungkook crees her back lightly.


Its normal for jungkook to go home late in the night. He just normally cuddle up with her.

Jungkook came in the room to see lisa Sleeping peacefully. He then peck the top of her head, then headed to the bathroom to het ready for bed. After a few minutes he went back out, and lay beside her. Making her wrap her arm around his neck. Jungkook burried his head on the crock of her neck.

"hmm. Your hair's still wet" lisa groan trying to push jungkook away gently. Jungkook then pout. As he then just went down to her stomach. Kissing it gently.

"hmhp. Fine I'll just cuddle up with my other baby. Yoo-hoo daddy's home baby" jungkook said as he lean his ear to her stomach, lisa just roll her eyes a bit.

"The baby can't hear yet, im only a month pregnant " lisa said in a groan annoyed.

"mommy doesn't wanna admit it, but she wanna cuddle with me" jungkook whisper's to her belly. Lisa just scoffed.

"i love you" jungkook said as he peck her cheek repeatedly. Then rest his chin on her upper chest. Lisa then open her eyes slightly. To see him looking at her.

"i love you more" lisa said as she kissed his forehead. Jungkook then burry his head on the of her neck. Lisa then scratch his back lightly.

"love. " lisa said, jungkook then hummed in response.



Being an orphan is sad. But if you think about it in an angel it's pretty good.

When you get adopted, that family choosed you for you. And not because your the sperm there stuck with.

Think about it 😗😗😗

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