11: boss baby; jungkook ver.

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Jeon jungkook

I know i shouldn't enjoy being a four year old. But damn it's fun to be babied kekeke


Jungkook was mesmerized by the addicting game of pac man. As his totally ingulfted by it, not saying even a word for a whole hour now, just whininh from time to time. As his sat on Lisa's lap.

Lisa then closed her laptop, looking down to jungkook, she smiled lightly and kiss the top of his head.

"c'mon baby, nap time" lisa said trying to get the phone from jungkook's small hand's but jungkook hold on tight to it.

"noo. I'll nap later! "jungkook whine. As his trying to pull the phone to him.

"no. Let go jeon jungkook "lisa said now frustrated, as she's basically playing tug of war with a four year old.

"NO! " jungkook said.

"I'll count to three if you don't let go. oneee... Twoo. Let go now! "lisa said but jungkook didn't give in and even pull harder. She then aventually let go.

"fine you don't wanna take a nap. Stay here. Alone im going upstairs, don't come up stairs. " lisa said as she move jungkook on the side, as she stands and grabbed her laptop. Jungkook looking at her pouting.

"lali" jungkook whine hold on the hem of her shirt, giving her his puppy eyes.

"don't 'lali' me. Wanna play your game go a head. Don't come upstairs, You stay here alone"lisa said as she made him let go and headed upstairs, leaving jungkook there pouting.

Jungkook then pout. Looking on the phone. He then tried to play again but ended up losing immediately. Unable to concentrate, the game wasn't as fun anymore.

Jungkook then got out of the chair. And walk upstairs, leaving the phone on the couch. He then open the door the bedroom.

Lisa acted as if she doesn't notice him,jungkook then climbed to bed then lay beside her. Jungkook then kiss Lisa's cheek but lisa just ignored him.

"lali"jungkook whined as he burry his head on the crock of her neck. His arm wrapped her neck. Lisa just typing on her computer.

"Notice me! I'll take a nap lali! I'll nap now ,im sorry" jungkook said looking up at her. Lisa then glanced at him, seeing the cute pout on his lip's. Lisa then peck his forehead. As she run her fingers through his hair. Putting her laptop to the side.

"it's ok"lisa said. Smiling a bit, jungkook then smiled then yawn.

Not long after jungkook finaly feel asleep ,lisa then peck his cheek. Jungkook now on top of her. Resting his head on her upper chest. Lisa then tried to get him to lay on the bed buy every time she tried jungkook would start crying. Holding on to her shirt tightly.

"you look so cute baby " lisa said as she kiss jungkook's cheek who's in the cart as him and lisa was doing some shopping.

"Look lali... "said jungkook as he pointed to a lego set of ironman. Lisa rolled her eyes once she saw what jungkook was pointing to.

"No . " lisa quickly said as she push the cart the other direction, jungkook whine as he reach his small arm's out as if the toy is magically gonna come to him.

Jungkook then looked up at her. With a frown on his lip's.

"you will get me th—" jungkook was cut off when lisa cup his cheek and started leaving kisses all over his face. Away of distraction till the Toy's are out of sight.

Jungkook then wrapped his small arm's around her waist. Well he tried to. But his arm's wasn't long enough so he just hold tightly on her shirt. As lisa pulled back. Lisa's lipstick marked all over jungkooks face causing her to laugh as she pat his head.

"your brother? "lisa turned to see a unfamiliar man.

"um... Sure. Excuse me but do i know you? "


In the United States ,every year  2,500 is the estimated amount of left handed people who died using equipment  designed for right handed people.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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