24: differences

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They say opposite's attract, which is true because we can't always gey what we want or who we want.

Because cupid need's Glasses sometime's, cause that bitch can't just aim right.

But beautiful mistake's can happen, but it does come with Pro's and con's.

"Annyeong!! Everyone! "Lisa greeted as she smiled widely ,as she basically Drag's jungkook in.

"look who came " lisa said smiling as she pointed at jungkook who just boredly sighed.

"why did i even agree to this" jungkook mumbel, as lisa drag him to there friends as there in a party.

"woah lisa, —jungkook your here? "taehyung said out of shock as jungkook isn't really the most social person, he dreads to be in parties like this. Where the sound is boominhg so loud, everyone seem to be so high, and just all sweaty. He would rather just be home. In the comfort of his game's and bed.

But lisa being lisa managed to convince him to go to a partu thrown by jin in celebration of the succes of his restaurant .

"i know, shocking right " jungkook mumbel. As he sat beside him.

"i'll go get some drink's " lisa said excitedly as she basically skip as she's totally in her element, wild parties, the loud music, is just something she feel's comfortable in, a setting with tons of people. Just having fun and living life.

"so what did she promise you? "taehyung asked as he knew jungkook wouldn't agree if he doesn't get anything in return.

"that's. . . None of your business, so kindly shut the fuck up" jungkook said as he just crossed his arms.
This didn't even bother taehyung by the slightest as jungkook is alway's harsh when it comes to choice of words.

"is it embarrassing? Ohh—is it sexua—"taehyung was cut off by jungkook.

"hyung im not gonna ask you again, " jungkook said sternly, making taehyung raise both his hand's in a sign of surrender.

"okay, okie, ok im sorry"taehyung said as he then just text jennie who has yet to arrive .

"you want a sip love? "lisa asked as she sat beside him as she basically had a two bottle of sojo in hand.

"isn't that one supposed to be mine? " jungkook asked raising an eyebrow. Lisa looked at him awkwardly as she smiled.

"y-yeah ofcourse here" lisa said as she hand's him the bottel laughing awkwardly, jungkook just look at her then taking the sojo without saying anything.

"awe c'mon at least try to have fun" lisa said after minutes of silince, as lisa made jungkook look up from his phone.

"i. Do. Not. Want. To. be. Here, you dragged me here deal with it" jungkook said blankly ,lisa then pout.

"please love'y ,just this once, it's jin oppa's party anyway" lisa mumbel as she peck his lip's. Making there foreheads touch. While taehyung move away from them as his trying so hard to not look there way as his still looking for jennie.




I feel so alone rn :'(

"aish. All i've agreed to is coming here didn't i. I didn't say i'll have fun" jungkook said as he backed away from her. Making lisa pout more, as she gives him the 'eyes' that look where you look extremely sad that your eye's reflect it, hoping that guilt can make jungkook change his mind.

"remember when you forgot to pick me up, and i had to ran just in order to get a cab, i was dreanched in water and got a cold because you forgot about me" lisa said as she fiddeled with her finger's, as she looked up at him.

"oh so your gonna use that card? Really lisa? Your gonna guilt trip me into making me have 'fun'? "jungkook asked in disbelief. Lisa only pouted more.

"remember when you forgot our anniversary an—" lisa was cut off by jungkook

"FINE! ALRIGHT!! I'll have fun! You win! "Jungkooj said grumply, as he glared at lisa lightly. While lisa smile widely, hugging him.

"awe that's a promise ok? So now let do—


All of us have the same faith, which is death. everyone we love and cherish will die sooner or later, and after year's and year's we will be forgotten, as if we didn't exist,

So do whatever with your life, because nothing really matter's, you can't take your success in your next life, if there's even a next life that is

Just something to think about 😌😌

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