8: drunk together prt2

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"is this just it, am i here just to 'live my life '? ,is this just supposed to be my life? "lisa asked as she took a sip of her drink, looking down to it.

"i guess so. " jungkook answerd shortly as he chug his drink. Wanting to catch up with Lisa's drunkness.

Lisa roll her eyes at jungkook's short answer.

"Yah! Why are you answering with one liners?! "lisa said as she nudged jungkook, glaring at him a bit.

"sorry, just wanna get to your state of drunkness babe" jungkook said as the word's spill out without him even noticing. Gladly lisa was to drunk to even care.

"I've been drinking for what? —five -six hour's? And you think you cwn catch up to me? What's your name anyway? "lisa asked in a scoffed ,as she turned to him.

"the name's jungkook, why so braty all of a sudden?" Jungkook said as he raised an eyebrow a intruged look on his face.

"not braty. Just feel neglected " lisa her sigh hoping he won't hear it but he still did. Causing a smirk on his face.

"Why do you want attention from me? Aren't i just 'mr handsome driver'? to you? " jungkook asked in a cocky tone. Lisa turned her head to him seeing his smirk, then rolling her eyes.

"god, cocky " lisa sighed causing jungkook to chuckle, he then just move a bit closer to her, there shoulder touching, lisa then glanced at him with a questioning look

"don't look at me like that, im just gonna give you some attention, gonna give you my attention " jungkook said as he showed her his bunny smile, lisa just roll her eyes a bit as she shake her head lightly.

'kinda cute tho'Lisa thought a small smile curved on her lip's drinking her drink.

"hey. Talk to me, now that you have my attention you ain't talking "jungkook said in a whine as he order another drink,

"Fine. How old are you jungkook? " lisa asked, as she turned her to face him.

"23 ,you? "jungkook asked, as he turned to her aswell ,one leg between her's.

"same, you have a girlfriend or not? "lisa asked as she took a sip embarrassed that she actually asked a stranger,

Jungkook chuckeled " straight to the point, i like it. But no, im very much singel" jungkook said a smirk curved on his lip's, lisa not even looking at him.

"Tsk" lisa just replied causing jungkook to chuckle, lisa then his bicep.

"one last question. " lisa said. Jungkook nod lightly.

"Do you believe the Earth is flat? "lisa continue ,jungkook almost spit his drink out of laughter .

"excuse you? "jungkook asked once a hold of himself.

"do you believe that? "jungkook continue. Lisa shake her head to no, causing jungkook to sigh deeply out of relief.

"just wanna know, "lisa mumbel.

"what now?"jungkook asked as he stare at the ceiling of Lisa's bedroom, them lay next eachother. Comfortable silence filled the room.

Lisa didn't say a word and burry her head on the crock of his neck, as she sob's, jungkook only wrapped an arm around her waist, lightly back.

The sound of Lisa's sob's filled the roon.

"just, cry... Im here" jungkook mumbel sweetly beside her ear.

"b-but h-his a f-fucking arsehole ,i feel stupid crying for him" lisa said between sobs, jungkook chuckel.

"maybe he is but you still love who ever that stupid guy is" jungkook said calmly, once again the room was filled with Lisa's sob's ,even tho jungkook don't wanna hear her sob's he somewhat felt obligated to comfort her.

"i have friends, friends that csn comfort me but... I rather be comforted by a stranger, aren't i stupid"lisa chuckle head still burried on the crock of his neck. Jungkook chuckel aswell .

"I'll take that as a compliment "jungkook mutterd.

"kook. . .can you stay the night? "lisa asked shyly, as she grips on his hoodie. Wanting to let go.

Maybe she's just lonely, maybe she's stupid, either one it is, lisa wants him to stay.

"ok. For you"jungkook mumbel causing a smile curved on her lip's.

After that there was comfortable silence, lisa's head still burried on the crock of his neck.

"hey. Lis "jungkook called out lisa only hummed in response.

"mind giving me your number? "jungkook asked as he hold his phone, lisa then lifted her head and wipe her tears away as she typed in her number. She glanced at him. And gave his phone back.

"thank—" jungkook was cut off once Lisa's lips met his.

Jungkook unknowingly kiss her back ,wrapped his arm on her waist tighter. As he closed his eyes, lisa running her fingers in his hair.

But once jungkook got a hold of himself he pulled back. Causing lisa to open her eyes looking at him.

"Your drunk, and heart broken. Maybe when your sober"jungkook answered, lisa then rest her head to his chest.

"I'll take you up on that"lisa munbel jungkook chuckel

"maybe move on first" jungkook mumbel lisa then looked up to him. They then meet eyes.

"then help me move on"lisa said ,jungkook then kiss her forehead.

"sure... Why not" jungkook answerd, as the night turn into morning the two just keep talking ,laughing.

Could be just the alcohol? Or is it loneliness?



Serial killer joe metheny owned a food stand and sold Burger's that combines animal meat and the skin of his victims to unsuspecting costumers.

The more you know 😷😷😷

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