27:cupid's arrow

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"I bet you can't hit this bottel in the air"said jennie to lisa in a daring tone. Lisa only scoffed cockily.

"alright bet. If i can you'll buy me chocolate milk"said lisa as she get her bow ready.

"are you sure? There's many fairy's here" said chaeyoung being the voice of reason,as they're at the feild as they are cupid's in training, and lisa manage to sneak out her father's bow and arrows.

"Oh c'mon chaeng stop being a party pooper i got this"said lisa trying to reassure chaeyoung.

"Ok. Unnie, just throw it when ever "said lisa as she get's ready to shoot. Jennie then threw it, yet she bluffed making lisa shoot her arrow, she couldn't stop it in time. It already hitted someone.

"Oh no. "said lisa in a groan.

"Oh shoot " chaeyoung said as she saw who was struck by the arrow that's looking at lisa.

"jeon jungkook, out of all fairy's?! "lisa groan, as she grumply let go of the bow

"but he doesn't seem affected tho "jisoo pointed out as jungkook along with his friends are now walking away. Lisa then looked there way.

"what? No way, that can't be, " lisa said as jungkook was struck with the love arrow, and who ever was struck with the arrow shall fell madly inlove with the first person that person see's.
"maybe it doesn't work on us fairy's?"said chaeyoung in a questioning tone as she herself isnt sure why it didn't work.

"that's impossible, the arrow work's on anything, " jisoo reasond.

"maybe it's defective, i mean we're not officially cupid's, so maybe that's why it didn't work"jennie reasond. Lisa then looked to the bow, she then pecked it up.

"im gonna find out, see you guy's later"said lisa as she ran getting her bag, in the direction where jungkook and his friends went.


Two months, it's been two full month's since the incident happened and lisa has done nothing but stalk and watch jungkook's every move, yet she found nothing,

"Why have you been following me? "asked jungkook ,making lisa jump up, and scream out of shock.

"i-i— don't flatter yourself, i-im just checking out book's " said lisa as she grabbed a book. Jungkook only roll his eyes .

"oh please, stop with the bullshit, you read willingly? Psh" jungkook said as he took the book out her hand, lisa then roll her eyes.

"you don't know me, " lisa said as she crossed her arm's. Looking the other way, jungkook only snicker,

"don't think that your slick manoban, why have you been following me? " said jungkook, lisa then glanced at him. Even tho she and jungkook don't really get along and some what rivals, to be top of there class.

"Im not, " lisa said in a annoyed tone,

"your not going anywhere until you come clean stalker "jungkook said as he trapped her in between his arms. Looking at her intensely.

Lisa gulped nervously.

"a-alright. . . D-do y-yo-you f-feel anything, when your looking at me? "lisa asked awkwardly. Jungkook looked at her a bit softly ,jungkook then looked away.

"no" jungkook said as he was now backing away, but lisa cupped his face, making their face's close. Lisa looked at his eyes as jungkook looked at her a bit shocked.

"I-i a-accidentaly hit you with the arrow. . .why d-didn't it work on you? "lisa asked.

"the arrow doesn't work on someone that's already madly in love remember "jungkook said. Lisa then let go of his cheek's, as she looked down of embarrassment, she fiddiled with her finger.

"r-right—wait no, it is only like that when the person you look at is the person your already . . ." lisa paused as she looked up jungkook, cheek's flushed red. A moment of realisation.
"in love with. . . Which mean's—"lisa was cut off.

"which mean's i like you, "jungkook continued. Without saying anything lisa ran away leaving jungkook their. Confused and sad.

Men don't typically produce milk from their breasts. But under certain circumstances, they can. For instance, extreme starvation, hormone treatments for various health problems, and mechanical stimulation, can lead to lactating lads

The more you know😗😗😗

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