13:intemedating; jungkook ver.

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Lalisa manoban

Jungkook always have this cold aura around him, making him seem this cold person but his really not, a lot of my friends, and co work's alway's say the same thing when comes to pick me up from work.

But i don't seem to get it, maybe because im his girlfriend and his really not cold towards me, sometimes he is, but not the all the time


Lisa was at a company party as her boss thrown a small party for her department as they just got a very important talent.

"hey lisa noona" lisa turned to see taehyun an intern at there department, lisa politely smile at him.

"what is it? "lisa asked. Taehyun awkwardly smile as he scratched his nape.

"um mrs jang said to get your numbe since i'll be working along side you know noona"taehyun said, lisa then chuckel at his cuteness. She was about to say something when someone called her.

"baby " lisa turned to see jungkook walking towards her. She was confused but hug him still.

"why are you here? " lisa asked.

"you said pick you up at ten. Look at the clock, i tried to call you, you wouldn't answer so i came up here—who's this? " jungkook asked turning to taehyun, with this blank look on his face making taehyun nervous as he can't tell what jungkook is thinking,

"oh. That's taehyun an intern ,just wait a minute, give me your phone taehyun i'll put in my number " lisa said a she reached her hand towards taehyun.

"why does he need your phone number? "jungkook asked sternly, making taehyun more uncomfortable, now scared that jungkook might be mad now.

"um wrong lisa im sorry noona" taehyun said as he tried to leave.

"but im the only lisa here. Don't be silly, i don't mind " lisa said as she hold on to taehyun's shoulder. Taehyun then move away.

"um no thank's noona. Im gonna go now. BYEE"said taehyun as he basically run away as he see's jungkook's eyebrows now met,

"what could be wrong with him? " lisa mumbel, jungkook then wrapped an arm around her waist.

"worry about him later. Get your stuff it's getting late" jungkook said pecking the side of her head.

"hm. Alright, just stay right there " lisa said as she then headed to where her coat we're.

"psst noona" lisa turned then saw taehyun down on the table. Lisa looked at him confused.

"here's my phone type in your number, quickly noona"Taehyun said as he shake hsi phone rushing lisa. Lisa didn't asked questions and did what asked of her.

"thanks noona. Bye" said taehyun, as he crawled out of the table then smiled at lisa quickly before going away. Afraid getting caught by jungkook.

"what a weird kid" lisa said as she headed to where jungkook was.

"let's go" jungkook said as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

Jungkook was on the lobby at Lisa's work place, just sitting on a chair patiently, wanting to surprise his girlfriend .

Soon after lisa came out of the elevator along with a co-worker , who was yeon the two was laughing when lisa noticed jungkook.

"love!—what are you doing here?"lisa said jungkook then stand from the chair.

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