20: delicate baby prt3

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"love—" lisa was cut off by jungkook.

"i wasn't calling you. I was calling my child " jungkook said as he wrapped his arms around her waist pecking her stomach.

"hi baby" jungkook said looking to her stomach. Lisa then roll her eye's.

"When your born if your a girl. Your not allowed to have boy friend's, your not allowed to date until your eighteen or so help me i will kill him—" jungkook was cut off when lisa smacked the back of his head.

"Yah! Don't touch me woman" jungkook said as he had an angry pout on his lip's. Turning back to Lisa's belly. Lisa then crees the back of his head.

"cause if you disobey me i will—" jungkook was cut off by lisa.

"he'll do absolutely nothing, so if you have a boyfriend come to mommy cause he can't hurt you" lisa said, jungkook then smack her but. Lisa didn't even flinch.

"Don't talk. Me and my child is having a private conversation. One on one. Shut up" jungkook said. Lisa rolled her eyes.

"the baby can't even hear you. Stop it jeon" lisa said. Jungkook then burry his head on her stomach. Lisa then groan. She then stopped creesing his nape. He then looked up at her. Made her crees his cheek.

"i thought you said don't touch you" lisa said jungkook just scoffed.

"im leaving tonight. I'll be gone for two day's, im not gonna be able to text you, call you. For those two day's "jungkook said. Lisa then sat on his lap. Wrapping her arm's around his neck. Making there forehead touch.

"I'll miss you, we'll miss you love" lisa said pecking his lip's.

"come home ok? " lisa said as she burry her head on the crock of his neck.

Jungkook cress her back. Kissing the side of her head repeatedly.

"ofcourse baby. Im never gonna leave you. Be a good girl while im gone. " jungkook said, lisa then nod.

"i love you, i love you so much" lisa said as she looked up at him. Kissing him passionatly ,jungkook smiled between the kiss.

"i love you more. I'll be home before you even know it"jungkook said as he backed away. Creesing her cheek, she now have tears beaming on the corner of her eyes, as the thought of lossing him cross her mind.

"baby ,im just leaving you for two day's i'll comeback, when have i even failed you hmm? " jungkook asked as he kiss her face all over.

"umm... Hey" lisa then looked back to see bambam awkwardly standing there. Jungkook groan.

"Hey. . . What's up? "lisa said as she stand. A small smile curved on her lip's.

"umm. Can we get food im hungry? "said bambam awkwardly as lisa was still sitting on jungkook's lap. Lisa then looked back at jungkook.

"please" lisa said as she pout's. Jungkook sighed and just hand's her his cridtcard.

"be back early " jungkook said lisa then smiled widely as she took the card. Then kissed him.

"hmm-kay you want something? " asked lisa.

"just be home early "jungkook said boredly as he pecked her stomach aswell.

"ok. Bye love, i love youu" said lisa as she started walking away.

"i love you more" said jungkook.

"what was that? "lisa acted as if she didn't hear him

"I SAID I LOVE YOU MORE"jungkook said lisa then smiled.

"oh i heard you, i just wanted to hear it again" said lisa as him and bambam went out the room. Jungkook just chuckle.


"what's your boyfriends job anyway? "asked bambam as he eat's. Lisa then looked at him with wide eyes.

"a normal one? "said lisa as she looked away.

"what does that even mean? " bambam asked. Lisa then acted as if she was choking. So bambam would forget about it,

"L-LISA! A-ARE YOU OK? "said bambam in a panick the restaurants attention was now on them. Bambam was about to go tp her side but he was beat to it.

"Miss manoban! "bambam looked up to the guy to see it was the same guy that helped him with his luggage. He was confused.

Mingyu then gave her some water.

"have you followed us here? What are you doing here? "bambam asked. As lisa gulped down the water.

"lisa... Answer my question " bambam turned to lisa. Who's shoulder slumped.

"ok fineee... My boyfriends a mafia" lisa said bambam was left even more confused.

"excuse me? " bambam said as he looked at her as if she was crazy.

"ok... So your boyfriend... Do illegal shit—" bambam holted. As mingyu put a side his jacket to reveal a bit gun. Causing him to pause.

"u-uh... Let me rephrase that... Umm. Your significant other baffles with one would consider unlawful line of work? That. . .that involves grewsome and extreme measures to gain wealth? " bambam said as he started to sweat. Lisa only chuckle.

"it's ok mingyu, you can hide that. My cousin doesn't have the gut's to snitch " said lisa as she laughed.

"and jungkook isn't like that. It's very complicated ,well sometimes he does have to get his hand's dirty but he doesn't just kill everyone, and his such a sweetheart " lisa said as she continues eating.

"to you he is. How about to me?! Now im scared did you see how he glared at me while we we're in the car. " bambam said ,

"oh calm down. He won't hurt you. . .so don't get me mad because if you do i'll let him kill you " said lisa, bambam's jaw then droped to the ground.

"YAH! IM YOUR COUSIN FOR GOD'S SAKE! "said bambam lisa only laughed.


Jungkook looked down at lisa to check if she was really sleeping. Once he was sure he kissed her forehead. Then slowly made her let go of him. Laying a pillow beside. He then kissed her cheek.

"I'll miss you, good night baby. Daddy will mis you to other baby" said jungkook as he kissed her cheek then the side of her belly. Then grabbed his bag. As he was heading down the stairs he met eyes with bambam who was holding a glass of water.

Bambam felt uncomfortable. As jungkook looked at him blankly.

"listen here. I don't know you, I've meet you today. But your her cousin so ok. But. . .know that i have eyes every where, and one wrong move. You'll magically disappear " jungkook said as he walked closer to him. Bambam gulped out of fear.

"but as other man in her life. Protect her for me" said jungkook again. As he pat his shoulder going on his way. Bambam was left baffled.

"is he... Bipolar? "bambam asked himself.


One trick to know if someone likes you (as a person or in a romantic way) is when they laugh they face you or turn to you.

Another trick to know if someone is interested in the conversation is the mirror clock? (i forgot what's it called) for example you cross your arm's if they cross there arm's to that mean's they're intrested in what your talking about making them mirror your actions without even knowing.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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