23: dangerous lovers prt2

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"WOOH! GO GET IT BABY! "lisa yelled as jungkook and her along with everyone else is in the training field,

As jungkook was now aiming at the can that's on top of Lisa's head, one on either side's of her shoulder.

"do you think it's wise of them to do that? "asked yugyeom to namjoon who looked up from his blueprints to what lisa and jungkook was doing.

"oh. Yeah it's fine. One time they're doing that she was moving so don't mind them" namjoon as he looked down on his blueprints once again. Yugyeom just nodded awkwardly.

"why you jealous? Let's try it, i'll aim you'll put a can on your head" bambam said as he wiggle his eyebrow's. Yugyeom only push him away rolling his eyes, bambam bursting into laughter .

Jungkook then shoot the can's one by one.

"yayyy! " lisa said as she was running towards him. She then wrapped her arm's around his neck. Jungkook wrapped a arm around her waist.

"your so good baby" lisa said as she pecked his lip's. Smiling between the kiss. Jungkook kissed her back.

"ofcourse, you think i'll miss? I'll never hurt my baby" jungkook mumbel, kissing her cheek, making lisa giggel.

"are they always so. . ." nayeon holted as she looked to lisa and jungkook .

"cringy? Yes they are. Get used to them darling " jennie said as she glanced at the two love birds.

"well. . .you say they just stay in there bedroom right? So i won't feel so singel while living with you guy's " nayeon said as she thought of the good side. As it would really be a dread if she get's to see, jungkook and lisa being so sweet towards each other.

"yeah. But it ain't sound proof. And something tells me that with lisa using her 'charm' with that eun-ju guy, jungkook will surely get more clingy. Soooo sorry girl" jennie said ,as she was texting taehyung who was out with jimin and hobi as they we're getting some inside intel about eun-ju's Activity these past few day's. So the plan can be fully stablished.

"well. . . Fuck" nayeon said, jennie then chuckel because of her response.

"I WAS KIDDING!! BABY!! "nayeon and jennie then turned to lisa and a mad looking jungkook who was walking away from her.

"well this will be interesting " jennie said as jungkook and lisa don't really argue that much.

"why is it intresting? What happen's when they argue? " nayeon asked out of curiosity.

"i don't really know. They don't argue much. Well... Jungkook's mad but lisa pursued him pretty easily, soooo they're gonna get cringier, " jennie said, nayeon then roll her eyes.
Jennie only laughed at her.

"i was kidding baby, i didn't know you'll be mad,im sowwy. Im very very sowwy" lisa mumbel as she kiss his face all over. Jungkook just have a straight face on. As the two of then are at the couch cuddling,

"can you two go in another room or something? Your making our guest super uncomfortable "yoongi said boredly as he sense's the uncomfortable tension, he his the only one who had the ball's to actually say something.

"he doesn't want to. Look. Let's go upstairs to our room ,baby c'mon "lisa said as she pouted as she kissed his cheek as she sat up, as she hold's his hand wanting him to stand up. Jungkook just look at her coldly.

"what is he even mad about ?" asked taehyung.

"cause. I JOKINGLY said animal crossing is better than overwatch " lisa said as she glanced at him. Jungkook just looked away.

"that's what your —you know what, why do i even bother. Just go somewhere else " yoongi said as he looked back at the tv. Everyone else then tried to just fucos on the movie. Jungkook then push lisa to lay back down. Jungkook then covered them with the blanket. Without saying anything, he then kiss her, lisa kissed him back. Lisa then was creesing his cheek when jungkook grabbed her wrist's pinning them on top of her head. That's outside of the blanket.

"baby" lisa whined jungkook just leave sweet butterfly kisses on her face.

"should we . . . " tzuyu said awkwardly as she move's a bit closer to dahyun who's beside her.

"that's not a wise decision, the last time we tried to interrupt them making out, taehyung ended up with Stitch's, just don't mind them. They're eventually goi—" namjoon was cut off when jungkook stands up carrying lisa like a baby.

"goodnight everyone, " lisa said as she wave's.

"how can they be labeled as the 'dangerous lovers' when they're just the most cringest lovers ," asked bambam as he looked at them now walking upstairs.

"yeah. There's so many stories about them, " jihyo said.

"they're not just in there element. They thrive in a ride and die moment. The stories about them are true. You just watch" jennie said as she watches the movie.

"yeah. Remember when they made a bet who can kill the most henchmen in a minute earns a kiss. Jungkook won that one, they killed almost a hundred people. " taehyunh said as if what his saying isn't a big deal.

"yeah, and that one time the two of them cleaned out a drug den, just for the fun of it. " jimin said as he chuckled.

"yup, that little stunt made us million's " namjoon mumbled.

"that's why we keep them around " yoongi said as he glanced at got7 and twice.


Lisa woke up to a bad dream, she was breathing heavily. She then turned to her side seeing jungkook asleep. She then hugged him burrying her head on the crock of his neck. Sobbing.

Making jungkook wake up. He then crees her back as she kiss the side of her head.

"shhh. What's wrong baby? "jungkook asked softly. Lisa then looked up at him. Tears runninh down her cheeks. As she gripped on his shirt.

"d-don't die ok! I don't want you to die! "lisa said as she smacked his chest. Jungkook then sighed.

"did you had a bad dream again?— im not gonna die baby, im not gonna die" jungkook mumbel between the kiss.

"you better not" lisa mumbel with a pouty tone as she rest her head on his chest. But lisa was still upset jungkook sense it. So jungkook sat up. Carrying lisa.

"it was just a bad dream, that's all it was" jungkook mumbel beside her ear as he kissed her forehead, lisa only burry her head on the crock of his neck.

"your hungry right baby, let's go eat." jungkook said but lisa keep quiet making him sigh.

Soon after they made to the kitchen, jungkook then put her down on the counter.

"baby cheer up, c'mon. It's only a dream im not dead, i didn't die nor got shot. " jungkook said creesing her cheek, kissing her forehead.

"but Dreams mean something right?, if you die i'll be really sad " lisa mumble quitely as she leans her head on his shoulder. Jungkook crees her nape. As lisa wrapped her arms around him.

"i know. Im not gonna die yet, i still have to grow old with you. That dream was utter nonsense—" jungkook holted when they heard a crunch coming from a few feet away. Making lisa and jungkook turn,to see jimin and chaeyoung holding a bowl of cereal looking at them.

"since when have you two been there? "jungkook asked with an annoyed tone.

"longer than you, how didn't you see us? " jimin asked. Chaeyoung agreed.

"your to small we didn't even notice " jungkook said as he turned back to lisa. Jimin only glared at him and drag chaeyoung back to there room .


Spread across their lifetime most people spend an average of one whole year sitting in the toilet

The more you know 😗😗😗

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