17: intemedating; lisa ver.

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Jeon jungkook

When my friends say they we're intemedated by lisa, i can't help but burst out laughing.

My baby? Intemedating? HAH! never in a million years, how can she be intemedating? With that cute face of her's, i really doubt it.

What they might mean is she's hot when she's angry or something like that, but intemedating? Impossible.


"this guy surely can't drive home" said mingyu as he looked at jungkook, who's head is now resting on the table, drunkly talking to yugyeom.

"yah! How are you gonna go home?! "asked mingyu to jungkook, jungkook turned to him, and just drunkly got his phone.

"c-call m-my girl-girlfriend "jungkook said as his head not even lifting from the table as his eyes flutter closed.

"the first time we're gonna meet your girlfriend and this is how it goes"mingyu said as he sighed then open jungkook's phone and search for his girlfriend. Once he found it he called.

Baby ♥♥

Who the fuck??

Mingyu heard a raspy voice asked annoyed.

Um... It's mingyu
Jungkook's co-worker.
Your boyfriend's drunk

And so?
Take him home

I was hoping you could—

It's 3 am in the goddamn
You inivited him to drink right?
So you bring him home.

Miss i—

I am on my period.
You woke me up this
Mother fuck'in early.
You think im just gonna say
'yeah i'll pick him up'?!
YOU bring him home!

Goodnight to you sir!

And just by that, lisa hang up the call and she layed back in bed. Mingyu was left speechless, the stories jungkook told them of this polite and cute girlfriend of his, wasn't at all the person he talked to.

"what she said? "asked yugyeom.

"we're gonna bring him home"mingyu said as he sighed scratching his nape.

"what? " yugyeom groan.

"if you want you can talk to his girlfriend, but she pissed "mingyu warned ,yugyeom just groan once again.

After a while they finally dragged jungkook to the car and headed to his, and his girlfriend's apartment. Yugyeom then knocked on the door. They heard a groan comming inside a few minutes the door open. Revealing lisa. She didn't even spare mingyu and yugyeom a glance.

"bun" lisa said as she pat his chest. Jungkook's eye's open slightly, he then smiled then was able to go and hug her. Burrying his head on the crock of her neck, kissing her neck lightly.

"don't invite him to drink next time"lisa said then just closed the door at them.

"well. She's nice"yugyoem said as he chuckled, mingyu just shrugged his shoulders.

"you could say that, she's calm" mingyu said.

"let's get to bed" lisa mumbel creesing the back of his head. Jungkook then tried to carry her but lisa didn't let him, jungkook groan.

"let's get to bed"lisa said again but this time leading to the bedroom. Jungkook just walk lazily, resting his head on the crock of her neck.

Jungkook flopped to bed. And took of his shirt, a few minutes have passed and he reached out to his side but felt lisa wasn't there. Jungkook looked up.

"baby" jungkook mumbel with a sleepy tone. Not long after lisa came inside the bedroom with a glass of water in hand.

"drink some water "lisa mumbel as she put the glass of water to the table lamp beside there bed. Jungkook then groan as he sat up. As he grabbed the glass of water and chugged it, just wanting to sleep, lisa just lay beside him.

Jungkook then kiss her forehead, then burry his head on the crock of her neck. Wrapping an arm around her waist, lisa was never the naggy type, she's always calm, collected,

Jungkook and lisa was heading to a party hosted by eunwoo one of jungkook's friends that has not yet met lisa.

Lisa was dressed in a elegant dress. A normal attire for her, she grew quite used to the grew some feeling of high heels and tight dresses growing up from a pretty wealthy family.

"baby i think your over dressed, knowing my friend, it would just be a party" jungkook mumbel as he was driving.

"over dressed? I haven't even thought much about this choice of clothing bun" lisa mumbel.

"of course you haven't "jungkook said as he chuckled, kissing the back of her hand

After a few minutes they made it to eunwoo's house. Jungkook parked his car. He opened the door for lisa, there was loads of car's parked on the side of the street, they had to walk for a bit to get to eunwoo's house.

"so where did you and this eunwoo guy meet? "lisa asked jungkook,

"last year of college, we just became friends. His nice, not a bad influence " jungkoom said as he glanced over to lisa, who just roll her eyes.

"the last time you said that, you came home drunk. "lisa said, jungkook then pout. After a few minutes of walking they finally made it to the house. The music was booming, jungkook then came in holding lisa's hand.

"im gonna find eunwoo. Wait here alright baby? "jungkook said, lisa just nod as she sat on a chair leg's crossed sipping her drink.

After a few minutes, jungkook hasn't returned yet. Lisa's drink was now empty, she then stand and got some more.

"i think your in the wrong party miss"said a guy causing lisa to look to her side.

"this is like a 'wooh party!' your dressed like your going to a ball "the guy joked. Lisa chuckel a bit. Not wanting to seem rude.

"Donghyuk by the way. " said the guy as he reached his hand out. Lisa smiled and shake his hand.

"lisa" lisa said as she let go of his hand.

"i hope you know this. But your extremely pretty. Like beautiful " said donghyuk as he looked at her as if admiring her Beauty. Lisa chuckel a bit,

"thank you, you too" lisa said as she nod's a bit and was gonna walk away. When donghyuk grabed her by the waist and turn her around.

"no. I don't think you get it your like stunning " said donghyuk looking at lisa straight in the eyes. Lisa awkwardly did the same.

Once jungkook saw them he didn't like what he saw. Not one bit, so he—


There's a part of your brain that make's you look five time's  more attractive when you look at your self in the mirror, than how other's really see you.

So if you think you look like shit right now, other's think your five time's uglier.

Sry bro's ,if made you feel worse or something

The more you know 😗

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