20: delicate baby prt2

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"love... Can my cousin stay with us for a week or so? He doesn't have a place to stay" lisa said jungkook then looked up at her.

"he? Who is this cousin of your's? "jungkook asked.

"his nick-name is bambam" lisa told. Jungkook then raised his eyebrow.

"age?" jungkook asked.

"his the same age as us. 24" lisa answered, creesing his cheek.

"height? " jungkook asked.

"why would i know that? " lisa said.

"weight? " jungkook asked. Lisa then roll her eye's.

"stop it, i don't know" lisa said.

"body count? "jungkook asked. Lisa then slap him lightly.

"jeon stop it. His my cousin. Please love just for a week or even two day's"  lisa said as she pouted. As she pecked his cheek. Jungkook then sighed.

"i can get him a hotel baby. Why does he have to stay here? "jungkook groan lightly, as he rest his head on her upper chest.

"because his my cousin. And i haven't seen him in year's that's why. And also... Love... He doesn't know your work ok? So i need you to hide your men. Gun's, while his here" lisa said jungkook then groan. And looked up at her pouting.

"my gun's? All of my Toy's? Babyyyy why should i be the one to adjust? His the one comming here" jungkook groan. Lisa then kissed him.

"please love " lisa said as she kissed his forehead.

"let me have a word with my child first" said jungkook as he move's down to her stomach. Lisa then just shake her head lightly.

After a few minutes of jungkook whispering to her belly he burry his head on the crock of her neck.

"fineee. I agree," jungkook said. Lisa then smiled.

"you also need to act normal. Just like a normal boyfriend, i don't wanna see no gun's, no weapons while his here. Or i'll be mad. Alright jeon? " lisa said. Jungkook groan.

"fine. "jungkook said in a defeated tone. Lisa smiled widely.


"why do i have to wear this? " jungkook said as he and lisa along with some under-cover gaurds came along with them.

"because, that's the only clothes you have that isn't a suit, or pyjamas " lisa said as she pinched his cheek, jungkook just roll his eyes.

"why? You don't like it when im wearing my suit? I thought you find that hot? "jungkook said as he wrapped his arms around Lisa's waist.
"who said i didn't?. But who wears a suit while picking up someone from the airport? "lisa said as she peck his cheek.

"we wouldn't be here if you just let mingyu pick him up just like i suggested " jungkook scoffed. Lisa then cup his face. As she tiptoed.

"love stop it, ok? "lisa said, jungkook then pouted.

"fine" jungkook said. Lisa then kissed him then lean her head to his chest. Smiling a bit.

"LALALALALISAAA!! " heard lisa as she looked up. She then smiled as she see's bambam running towards her.
She then felt jungkook wrapped his arms around her waist tighter.

"love. It's ok, he won't hurt me" lisa insured him. Patting his chest lightly. Jungkook then just loosen his hold.

"LISAAA I MISSED YOUUU!! YOU BITCH—" bambam was cut off.

"excuse you? What did you just call her? "jungkook asked in an intemedating way. Raising an eyebrow. Bambam then looked at lisa as if signaling her that his scared.

"it's an expression love. He doesn't mean it, chill. " lisa said before jungkook could say something his phone rings.

"i have to take this baby, I'll meet you at the car. Don't take long" jungkook said as he pecked her cheek's, then took off.

"well he was mighty intemedating " bambam said as he scratched his nape.

"his just a bit protective. But enough about him, how long would you be staying with us? "asked lisa. As they started walking.

"i don't know. Maybe when you guy's start to be sick of me" bambam said. Lisa then chuckel.

"jungkook's already sick of you bam" lisa said, bambam then roll his eyes.

"whatever. how did you meet that guy again? " bambam asked.

"oh... You know just. A typical love story"lisa said as she chuckled awkwardly.

'yeah... Saving him to certain death is normal. Yeah... Im not a doctor but... YeH' lisa thought.

"are you sure? He doesn't seem like the type of guy that you just meet" bambam said. Lisa then laughed awkwardly.

"what's that supposed to mean? "lisa asked. Bambam then shurgged his shoulders.


"love. " lisa called for jungkook who's on the phone at the moment, he then hummed in response to her.

"love. Can you sit in the front? It's just that me and bam haven't talked to eachother, please bunny? "lisa said jungkook then looked up at her. Glaring slightly at her.

"please " lisa said once again. He then groan then got out of his seat. Lisa then smiled widely her and bambam sat at the back. While jungkook sat with the driver.

"drive" jungkook said in a cold tone causing the driver to do as asked.

"remember that one time you got hitted in the face by a ball. Auntu was so mad "bambam laughed, lisa then blush out of embarrassment .

"yah! That was long timd ago! Your one to talk, you knee got broken juat because you kicked the ball to hard. You should really not skip leg day" lisa teased back, now she's the one laughing. Bambam then just nudged her. Not even noticing jungkook whp was gripping so tightly to his phone it cracked.

The two continued to talk all the way to lisa and jungkooks house. Jungkook just looked out the window.

"we're here" jungkook said cutting in there conversation as he went out.

"what's wrong with him? "asked bambam as him and lisa also went out
"holy fuck. How rich is that boyfriend of your's priya? "bambam said as he looked at the huge house in front of him. It looked dark, as it was a cloudy day. Making the house seem dim.

"oh stop it, mingyu, can you help him in his room? I'll just talk to jungkook " lisa said mingyu only nod, she then headed inside the house, after a few minutes of searching she finally see's him in his office.

"come here" jungkook said in a cold tone—


We explored more of mars than we have explored are oceans.

Recently scientists have come to theory that the creature we think are extinct could just be hiding deep under water.

The more you know 😗😗😗

In the future NASA plan to go to one of Neptune's moon's and expect life in that planet.

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