21: what's wrong with the ceo prt2

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That's when jungkook slammed his Palm's on the table making all the employees look at there boss in fear.

"who's fucking computer, is that? "jungkook asked as he clenched his fist. Glaring.

"s-sir i-i" eunju was cut off.

"what in the world is—what the fuck? "lisa asked as she see's her face flastered on the screen.

"just go to my office baby. Please " jungkook said turning to her trying to hold in his anger.

"LISA PLEASE! "jungkook repeated. lisa then grabbed lia's wrist and just headed out. Jungkook sighed.

"Who ever's the owner of that fucking computer, never show your face to me or near any of my companies. Your fired" jungkook said as he stand.
Heading out..

"that went calmer than it should, thank god mrs jeon came" sighed kai.

Lisa was sitting on the couch on her phone. Jungkook then sat beside her.

"baby"jungkook said as he hold her thigh looking at her,lisa didn't even glanced at him.

"don't be mad at me anymore, im sorry, " jungkook said as he kissed the side of her head.

"your sorry? Genuinely? "lisa asked raising an eyebrow.

"i— does it matter if i mean it or not? I said it" jungkook said lisa roll her eyes
as she looked back to her phone. Jungkook then cup her face,

"im sorry" jungkook said as he peck her lip's. Lisa then smack his chest.

"Don't say sorry when you don't mean it. Lia say goodbye to daddy we're gonna go home" said lisa ,jungkook then wrapped his arms around her waist.

"your not going anywhere ,your gonna stay here. Where we're you? "asked jungkook as he rest his chin on her shoulder looking at her

"lia say goodbye to your dad. " lisa repeated not even minding him, jungkook pouted.

"but i don't wanna go home yet mommy" lia pouted as she camw close to her mom. Lisa then fix the clip on her hair. Lisa kissed lia's cheek
"ok. You'll go home with daddy" lisa said sweetly, jungkook burry his head on the crock of her neck, groaning lightly,

"yayyyy— is daddy ok? "asked lia

"daddy's ok. " lisa replied.

"baby get daddy some water" jungkook said, lia then nodded and went out the room. Jungkook then started leaving open mouthed kisses on her neck.

"im sorry baby, i was just jealous " jungkook said in a pouty voice.

"that's exactly why im mad. That guy was lia's teacher. And yet you got him fired for because of what? —stop that jeon "lisa said, as she pushes him lightly, jungkook pouted fiddiling with her hand. Trying to hold her hand but lisa always pull back.

"i got him a new job" jungkook reasoned. Lisa roll her eyes.

"and what job? Huh? What job? "lisa asked as she crossed her arm's.

"garbage collector" jungkook said in a whisper. Lisa then tried to push him away.

"Are you serious?!jeon jungkook! "lisa said, jungkook only burry his head on the crock of her neck.

"jeon. JEON! IM NOT PLAYING "lisa said as she once again tried to push him away.

"i love you" jungkook mumbel, lisa then just sighed.

"well i don't love you at the moment " lisa said. Jungkook then looked up at her.

"i don't love you when your selfish and immature " lisa said once again, jungkook then lean his forehead to her's.

"I've always been selfish when it come's to you, " jungkook said looking at her lovingly. As he peck her lip's lovingly.

"fuck you, you know how much that makes me feel. Your a motherfucker jeon jungkook, i hate you" lisa said as she groan ,jungkook then chuckel


Lisa just posted a Lilifilm #4 dance practice. And she's look's so hot in it, her dance moves is on point,

The video was amazing as usual.

The video was amazing as usual

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