12:my sweet mafia

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"im gonna ask you again who was that guy? "jungkook asked firmly as he crossed his arm's looking at her coldly as he could. Trying not to fall for the pout flastered on Lisa's lip's. As she's giving him the puppy eyes

"pwease dow't dwo anytwing to him dwadyyy"lisa said in a baby voice ,as she cup her cheeks pouting more, acting more cute. Jungkook then just looked away.

"you know how i get so better tell me now. Who's that guy? " jungkook asked ,lisa then stand then wrapped her arm's around his neck. Then lean her head on the crock of his neck. Kissing his neck lightly.

"please baby" lisa said as she tiptoed kissing his cheek. Jungkook then glanced at her rolling his eyes. As he wrapped a hand around her waist. The other grabbing his phone

"PlEAsE bAbY "jungkook said as he roll his eyes contacting his men.

"let him go" he said glaring at lisa lightly. Lisa just smiled and kissed the corner of his lip's. Still tiptoed

"who was he huh? You were being to touchy " jungkook asked as he put his phone down. Raising an eyebrow.

"he was holding my hand. Because i bumped into him, ok bunny? " lisa asked as she crees his nape.

"it was unnecessary for him to hold your hand for so long, that's why you should have bodygaurd's you see? I have ubducted a guy. If you just allow me to get you somebody gaurds this won't happen "jungkook said in a scolding tone.

"you look so hot in your suit baby" lisa said not wanting to talk about the whole thing with the guy. She then peck his lip's.

"is that the one i bought for you? " lisa asked him. The tip's of there nose touching.

"hm-hmm " jungkook only responded as he peck her lip's nibbling on her bottom lip's.

"did you miss me? "jungkook asked her lisa then smiled.

"of course i did i missed you so much" lisa said smiling causing jungkook to smile as well, jungkook then kiss her lovingly, lisa kissed him back.

"i missed you more "jungkook said as the two parted. Lisa smiled as he just forget about the whole bodygaurd thing.

"yes hyung, this will bring in million's even billions if we do it correctly and precisely, and besides what do we have to lose—just a minute baby" jungkook said as he peck lisa's forehead, her head resting on his chest. The laptop on jungkook lap.

"hm-hmm yeah. What? Can't taehyung hyung come? I... i know what i said hyung. But... Fine , come and by my place in an hour,so we can go all together" jungkook said causing lisa to look up at him, then burry her head on the crock of his neck.

"where are you going?? "lisa asked whining ,jungkook then crees her hair.

"hm-hmm alright, bye hyung" jungkook said as he sighed, jungkook then kiss Lisa's forehead. Lisa then grip on his shirt looking up at him with a pout.

"where are you going huh? "lisa asked her eyebrows met. Jungkook then kiss her cheek multiple times.

"a mission just came up baby. I need to go" jungkook said sweetly. Lisa then frown.

"where? "lisa asked.jungkook hesitated to answer but he did anyway.

"at a strip club. It's for a mission alright, no funny business i swear" jungkook said, lisa then glared at him. Jungkook then peck her lip's.

"i promise baby,ill be home before dawn. I promise " jungkook said in between pecking her lip's.

"you better be. Or i'll move out, "lisa threatens. Jungkook then kiss her cheek

"i promise, i need to take a shower baby. I love you" jungkook said as he move the laptop of his lap.

"i love you to"lisa said boredly. As she cross her arm's. Jungkook then unwrapped his arm's around her. Kissing the top of her head

Jungkook then headed to the bathroom and taken a bath. When done he went out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Lisa sitting on the bed with a pout on her lip's.

"baby come here "lisa called out for jungkook. Causing jungkook to turn to her.

"what is it baby? "jungkook asked.

"just come here "lisa said. Jungkook then just went to her. Bending down a bit so they can be eye to eye.

Lisa then wrapped her arm's around his neck. Brushing his wet hair back a bit. Kissing him passionately, jungkook kissed her back. Soon enough lisa inter her tongue in his mouth, jungkook was a bit surprised but just played along. Lisa then break the kiss, as she proceeded to kiss his cheek.

"baby i gotta get dressed "jungkook said but lisa didn't care. Then bite his earlobe. Causing jungkook to moan a bit as lisa kissed the back of his ear. Then down to his neck leaving hickey's.

"hmmm. There you can get dressed now"lisa said as she peck jungkooks lip's smiling. Jungkook then pinch her cheek's.

"i like it when your clingy" jungkook mumbel pecking her cheek's. Then heading off to the closet to get dressed.

It was three am in the morning when jungkook made it back to his house. He sighed deeply, out of exhaustion, as he stretched his arm. He then got his jacket, looking over to the bed to see lisa Sleeping peacefully. He got his shirt off then headed to brush his teeth before going to the bed.

He kissed Lisa's arm up to ther crock of her neck. Lisa just groan and move away a bit.

"it's already three am. It's practically morning"lisa said as she moved away from jungkook. Jungkook sighed.

"baby c'mon. Im tired, " jungkook said lisa then just turned away.

"then sleep "lisa said in a sleepy voice.
"cuddle with me, c'mon baby, i didn't do anything i swear " jungkook said in a pouty tone. Lisa didn't even say anything ,she just adjust her blanket. Jungkook then went closer to her. Kissing her cheek. Lisa then tried to push him away.

"don't be mad anymore, your to pretty"jungkook said, lisa just roll her eyes. Glaring at him.

"look, just the hickey's you made"jungkook said showing her his neck. Lisa then pout and wrapped his arms around his neck. Jungkook then lay beside her. Resting his head on her upper chest.


When a guy put's there penis inside a girl's vagina he could feel her heart beat.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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