12:my sweet mafia prt2

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"babyyy whereee are you goinggg??? "jungkook groan as he flopped to bed turning to lisa who was applying lipstick,

"i already told you, with my unnie's " lisa said spraying cologne, then looking at herself in the mirror again. Then wore her shoe's.

"where? " jungkook asked turning to her. Lisa then walk over to the bed. And sat beside him.

"Just a café. I'll be safe" lisa said as she peck his forehead. Jungkook then wrapped his arm around her waist. Jungkook then peck the crock of her neck.

"no boy's " jungkook said as he peck a bit higher.

"don't drink much" he then peck her jawline.

"get home early ok? " jungkook said beside her ear. Lisa then chuckel.

"i got it" lisa said as she kiss his lip's, she soon broke the kiss. Smiling at him,

"i love you" lisa mumbel pecking his lip's.

"i love you more. Be safe" jungkook said, lisa then soon made him let go of her waist. As she was going out, she send's him a flying kiss winking at him.

"baby? " lisa called out for jungkook who was busy doing some paper work on his desk. He just hummed in response.

"your the love of my life right now " lisa said causing jungkook to look at her raising an eyebrow.

"what does that mean? "jungkook asked putting the paper's down. His full attention now on lisa.

"that mean your the love of my life RIGHT NOW "lisa said, jungkook then stand up from his chair going to her.

" i heard you, what does 'riGhT nOW'mean? Im not gonna be tommorow? Not in the future?" jungkook asked hand going to her waist looking at her directly in her eyes. He said it in such a soft tone.

"no" lisa answered, jungkook then burry his head on the crock of her neck ,holding her waist tightend. Lisa then wrapped her arm's around his neck pushing him closer.

"because in a couple of years someone will come and he/she will call you daddy" lisa said chuckeling kissing thw side of his head.

"why didn't you start with that? Why need to start as if your breaking up with me? "jungkook asked raising his head glaring at her lightly.

"cause your so cute " lisa said pecking his lip's. Jungkook roll his eyes but kiss her back.

Lisa was once again in tiktok. And seen this trend where she breathes heavily until jungkook noticeand see his reaction, she's not gonna film it of course as he is a mafia.

Jungkook and lisa was in the living room along with there friends. When lisa thought of that trend randomly.

Lisa sighed deeply as she lean her head on jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook didn't notice at first since its so noisy in the room as jimin and taehyung is arguing about who eat the last dumpling.

Lisa then sighed again, causing jungkook to turn to her.

"you ok? "jungkook asked pecking the top of her head. Lisa didn't answer leaning closer to him. Jungkook crees her thigh lightly with his thumb on her thigh.

"baby "jungkook said making her look at him. Jungkook peck her forehead.

"what's the matter? You feeling ok? Are you sick? " jungkook asked lip's just inches from her forehead. Lisa then snuggle her head closer to his neck., jungkook wrapping an arm around Lisa's neck pecking her forehead.

"what's wrong? "jungkook asked softly as he kiss her cheek.

"nothing. I love you" lisa said in a baby voice pecking the crock of his neck.

"i love you more " jungkook said pecking her cheek's multiple times.

Lisa was once again bored out of her mind so what better way to pass the time to just prank lisa once again.

Lisa then scrolling through pictures of jungkook on her phone. Jungkook on his phone yet again.

"ohh he look's so good" lisa said as she bite her lower lip, causing jungkook to glance at her raising an eyebrow.

But jungkook didn't say anything but can't really focus on the phone call anymore.

"hm-hm-hm He a whole snack" lisa said again, jungkook's hand turn to a fist.

"Who the fuck fuck are you looking at huh? "jungkook asked. His jimin hyung on the other shuted up.

"ARE YOU CUSSING AT ME?! "jimin asked a bit offended.

"not you hyung, lisa! "jungkook screamed back.

"it's no one" lisa answered. As she continues scrolling.

"im gonna call you back hyung— what do you mean no one?! Who's the 'sNaCk' your talking about?! "Jungkook asked. As he hang up.

"Don't scream at me" lisa said pouting
,  jungkook just roll his eyes as he crossed his arm's.

"How the fuck should i act then?! Should i be calm?! Your my fucking girlfriend, who's this 'fInE' guy?! " jungkook said as kicked the bed frame in annoyance.

"HIS CUTE, HOT, KIND, UNDERSTANDING, VERY LOVING! I LOVE HIM! "lisa yelled back. Jungkook then gretted his teeth.

"who the fuck is he?! "jungkook asked trying to keep all the anger in.

"HIS YOU DUMMY!! LOOK! "said lisa as she get's her phone and show's him what he was scrolling on.

Jungkook groan, then went to her., cup her cheeks with one hand making Lisa's lip's pout. Jungkook then peck her lip's angryly repeatedly.

Lisa chuckeling at him.

"you play to much "jungkook said.


You like reading this kind of stuff because you wannna have these unrealistic expectations of this 'perfect'relationship,

You build this unrealistic expectation of what a man should be, you are not a perfect woman because there is no such thing as a perfect woman, nor is there a perfect man.

That is why most of the people here in wattpad is singel because of the fact that,why have the man in reality that has flaws,when you can have a 'perfect' man in fanfiction, romance novels, ect.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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