3: childish

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LISA'S pov

"Aishhh.. Now we're late"i said to jungkook as were heading to an interview, and being a manager of the biggest idol isn't a easy task and add it with his childish manner it's like hell, but i still wouldn't change anything.

"it's gonna be ok"he said and i glared at him.

"i swear, I'll quit if you keep ignoring my text and call's, i told you to stop playing those on line games! "i scolded he then pout.

"don't quit ~"he whine as he rest his cheek on my shoulder a pout still on his lip's.

"shush. Let's go we're here "i said and i open the door as we headed to the studio were the interview is heald.

As soon as we enter the make up artist's and hair people then swarm on him like Bee's seeing a flower,

"im sorry for jungkook being late. It's really my fault im sorry "i said as i bowed to the host and the director.

"it's quite alright, you're just a few minutes late, don't stress yourself to much pretty lady"the director said with a flirty.

"im sorry about him. What's you're name? " the host asked.

"oh its la-"i didn't get to finish what i said.

"I need manager! "i heard jungkook say.

"I'll be right back "i said as i go to his side a make up artist and a hair dresser doing his hair.

"what? What is it? You hungry or something? "i asked as he pout.

"don't tell that man you're name. Just stay here with me"he said and i roll my eyes..

"aish. I can't i need to fix something i need to check on you're hyungs "i said.

"but you're my manager" he said. And i sigh.

"you'll be fine. I won't tell him my name ok? Now can i go? "i said and he smiled and he nod's.

"but don't take long"he said and i nod.

then i head to where the boy's are. And see jennie scolding taehyung, rosé scolding jimin and jisoo scolding thw rest. Ok everything look's normal.
"lisa! "said namjoon and i smiled at him. And was about to go.

"where are you gonna go you just got here? "said jennie.

"i just came here to see everything, jungkook's being jungkook again"i said as i was walking back,the director then called me.

"uhh.. Manager.. You didn't tell me you're name"he said as he smiled at me, i gave him a awkward smile. Should i tell him or hear that kid whine?

"uhh.. Maybe later director "i said..

"so later you say? Hmm.. How about later as you said, director junhoe btw"he said and I just nod. What did i got myself into.

"what took you so long? "he said, as i enter where there doing hair and makeup, he then stand as he is now done. I can't deny that he does look's good.

"i just talked to the other's. "i said and he nod's as we headed to we're the other's are.

"you don't have any schedule later, you can go home with the other's right? "i said and he looked at me.

"hm? You aren't coming with us? Why? "he said.

"just... Something "i said and he looked at me wierdly.

"tell me, lali"he said giving me his puppy eyes. And i roll my eyes.

"i won't move until you say to me where you're going and who you're with"he said sitting on the concrete floor.. I then try to let him move but he wouldn't he just sat there arm's crossed, a pout on his lips.i sigh.

"you're really not gonna get up? "i said looking at him and he only shake his head to a no. I sigh once again.

"im going out with the director, let's go"i said and he looked at me, looking pissed off.

"you're not going out with him i don't allow it"he said and i looked at him.

"and who are you? Let me remind you mr jeon, that bighit is my boss not you"i said as i crossed my arm's he stand.

"let me remind you ms manoban That i am jeon jungkook, and what i say goes "he said going near me. To close to me that i start to move back. I stopped as soon as he grabbed my waist and pull me closer, i gulped.

"are you still going? "he said. I then shake my head.

"yes. You're not gonna get in my head "i said and he smirked.

"it's not you're head i wanna get into"he whisper into my ear.
I then slap his shoulder.

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! "i said and he laughed.

"im kidding. But you're really not going anywhere with that guy, i won't allow it"he said,his hand tightly holding my waist,

"let me say it again mr jeon. You are not the boss of me, now let's go, you're making people wait"i said as i push him lightly.

"will see about that"i heard him mumbel but i shouldn't care.

We then made it to the interview and then they started shooting, my unnie's. Right beside me.

"annyeonghaseyo bts-imnida (i know they don't greet like that but let it pass) "the boy's greeted and tge interview began.

"look lisa... The director has been looking at you"jisoo unnie nudged me and i only roll my eyes ,i then glanced at the director and just nod..

"and jungkook doesn't look like he likes that"rosé said as he pointed to know cold looking bunny,

'i saw you'like Alien's we spoke just using face expression and body language, i just ignored him.

"what's up with him? Look his not even showing much excitement "jisoo said..

"cause im going out with the director, i mean it's really nothing, it just me saying sorry for being late"i said.

"his not gonna-" jennie unnie was cutt of by the director.

"let's take a five minute break "said the director, we then go to give the boys some water..

"look more excited won't you"i said fixing his hair a little.

"psh"he said..

"you're being unprofessional again "i said and he rolled his eyes.

"do you want me to get scolded again? "i said and he frown.

"no. Just don't go with him ...why are you even going with him? "he said as pout ,i sighed

"it's just me, saying sorry, because it was my fault why you we're late, i should've done better"i said wiping the sweat on his forehead,

"don't blame yourself, it was my fault "said jungkook and i just nod,

"proffesional"i said as the break was over, and i headed to where me and my unnie's were.


No one know's how anesthetic's work. Any time they put you 'under' for routine operation, there's currently no scientific explanation why your unconscious.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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