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Lisa was always popular with boy's, because she's quite boyish, she has more guy friends than girl friend's, but sometimes she crosses the line.

That's when her boyfriend get's jealous.


"im gonna go to the bathroom " jungkook said as he stand.

"ok. "lisa said as she look's back to the tv. As there in bambam's place along with yugyeom, mingyu, and eunwoo.

"ahh fuck! " mingyu said causing everyone to turn to his blinking rapidly.

"what's the matter with you? " bambam asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"there's a bug or something in my eye! Help me! "mingyu said as his now scratchinh his eye. Lisa then just roll her eyes.

"fine i'll help, come closer" lisa said, and mingyu did. Lisa then cup his cheek. Made him open his eye that had dust in it. And blow on it.

"ugh, what the fuck? "mingyu said as he wiped some saliva that went to his face. Lisa then slap his cheek lightly rolling her eyes.

"what the fuck am i looking at? "lisa turned and yeeted mingyu away from him.

"he had something in his eye" lisa explained jungkook only sat beside her. Not saying anything, causing lisa to pout.

"love" lisa said making him look at her,cupping his cheek. Lisa then peck his lip's, resting her leg's on top of his, jungkook look at her blankly.

"im telling the truth" lisa said pouting as she kiss his cheek.

"i don't care. You didn't see anything wrong with how close your face's? "jungkook said eyebrows met, as he crossed his arms. Lisa was about to speak when mingyu cutted her off.

"jungkook i-" mingyu didn't even get to finish his sentence.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP"jungkook said glaring at mingyu. Mingyu nod.

"yes sir"mingyu said as he went closer to bambam who's right beside him. Bambam just Chuckel at mingyu.

"i didn't think much about it, don't be mad" lisa said, jungkook then just lean back to the sofa. Not breaking eyecontact.

Lisa then kiss his cheek multiple times. Then the tip of his nose. Then peck his lip's, as she crees the back of his head. As she peck his lip's nibbling on his bottom lip's.

Soon later jungkook gave in and kiss her back.

"uh-uh i ain't gonna watch you two make out" bambam said as he just cover the two with blankets. Lisa and jungkook didn't even care. And just continue on kissing.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around her waist. Pulling her closer. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss

"i love you"lisa mumbel between the kiss. Lisa's eyebrows met once jungkook didn't response.

"i love you more " jungkook finally answered causing lisa to smile. Jungkook then kiss the corner of her lip's then her chin. As she leaves open mouthed kisses on her neck, making Lisa's breathe hitched. After a while jungkook started leaving love bite's.

"ok, im not mad anymore " jungkook said as he chuckled kissing her. Lisa then just roll her eye's.


But lisa was no exception. She also get's jealous, but she doesn't ignore him instead she get's clingy. And show's off to the person she's he girlfriend and his her's.


Lisa and jungkook was at a party thrown by namjoon in a celebration of him once again being a promoted.

"i'll get more drink's " lisa said as she stands to get more drink's jungkook didn't even mind. Not long after a girl to his view. The girl was wearing a skin tight dress. As she looked shyly to jungkook.

"um hi... Im just wondering-" the girl was cut off when someone sat on jungkook's lap, holding a drink -and that someone is no other than lisa-
Jungkook was surprised but then just wrapped an arm around Lisa's waist.

"i-i... just wondering-" the girl was cut off again.

"baby who's this? "lisa asked sweetly yet also dangerously. As she gripped on jungkook's collar pushinh him closer to her. Jungkook find it hot none the less.

"i dunno "jungkook said looking down at Lisa's lip's.

"you don't know... Hmm. You love me right baby? You'll never replace me? "lisa asked sweetly pecking jungkook's lip's lovingly. The girl wanted to just go but as if she was made of stone she couldn't move a muscle out of awkwardness.

"hmm... I love you very much, and i'll never replace you" jungkook replied. Lisa then smiled as she kisses him lovingly.

"hey yeon have you found the bathroom- what's wrong? "asked the girl's friend as she was now red from embarrassment. But lisa and jungkook didn't even hear it.

"n-nothing... I-i do-don't have to go now " the girl laughed awkwardly as she just walked away.

"hmm... Weird" the girl's friend mumbel as she follows her friends.

"do all you do is make out? Like geez " said namjoon causing the two to part. Lisa then pout and burry her face on the crock of jungkook's neck. Jungkook chuckel.

"she was jealous that's why hyung" jungkook chuckel lisa then smack his chest causing jungkook to chuckle more, pecking her forehead.

"ugh."namjoon only reply as he was called by one of his colleague he bid his goodbye to the lover's.

Lisa then lifted her head up to sip her drink. But has no plan on getting of jungkook's lap.


In the Victorian era it was common to take pictures of deceased/dead family member, as a final way tp preserve their memory

In the Victorian era it was common to take pictures of deceased/dead family member, as a final way tp preserve their memory

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The boy's eye's was painted so it would look as if his still a live.

The more you know 😗😗😗

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