10: a love so toxic prt2

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Jungkook was at the club along with his hyung's. Just having a few drink's girl's that are barely clothe around jungkook.

"i don't think lisa's gonna like this kook" namjoon said and jungkook didn't even seemed fazed by what his hyung said.

Because in all honesty he likes her being a crazy, like's her being out of control, wild. And he like's her more when she's jealous.


Jungkook was getting a lap dance from one of the stripper's his hyung's glancing at him from time to time rolling there eyes. When a bat hitted the stripper right in the head causing her to fall right to yoongi's lap.

"HIII BABYYY. i didn't know you we're here"lisa said as she smiled acting as if she didn't just hitted someone so hard in the head that they passed out. And she just put her bat on the table.

Lisa then sat on jungkook's lap. Jungkook just casually wrapped an arm around her waist.

"are we just gonna gloss over what just happened? I have a possibly dead chick land her face on my crotch " yoongi said angrily, lisa then glanced at him then to the stripper who's now on the floor passed out.

"possibly? Well... We can't have that can't we? "lisa said as she reached in jungkook's jacket and grabbed his gun. Jungkook just drinking his drink with a calm expression on his face. As lisa shot the girl right on the head.

"so as i was saying. Babyyy it's date night" lisa whine as she cup his cheek kissing his cheek.

"alright. Im also messed up. But you two are in another Fucking level" yoongi said as namjoon call on his men to get the dead body, and pay off people for them not to talk about what they see and heard.

"Shhh. We're talking oppa" lisa said holding the gun in front of her lip's shushing yoongi up, that actually worked.

"Im not in the mood for date night "jungkook answerd, looking at her directly in the eyes. Lisa frown as she shot another stripper that was eyeing jungkook.

"date night!!! " lisa said with a emotionless tone. Jungkook didn't even seem to care. As there's no change in his face.

"gezz. Can you two just leave. We need to keep it lowkey remember??! "namjoon said. But was just ignored by jungkook and lisa.

"babbyyy" lisa whine as she burry her head on the crock of his neck. The gun still on her hand.

"MISS DID YOU JUST KILL MY FRIEND-!!!"another stripper was shot by lisa with not even much effort.

"SHUT UP WHEN IM ACTING CUTE HERE!! "lisa said as she roll her eyes then turned back to jungkook. With a pout on her lip's.

Lisa then kiss his lip's but jungkook didn't respond. She then started to nibble on his bottom lip.

"baby stop ignoring me!, just hurt me or something, why are you ignoring me?!! "Lisa whined as she lazily wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Get out of here then. "jungkook said
Lisa pouted and burry her head on the crock of his neck, pecking his neck. Gripping on his jacket.

Lisa then glanced up at him a frown on her lip's jungkook then glanced at her.

"to needy angel. Your so needy" jungkook said as he peck her forehead lisa then scoffed. Gripping on his jacket more pushing him closer. Jungkook then kiss the crock of her neck up to her jaw line.

"but i like it "jungkook said beside her ear as he peck her ear causing lisa to smile. Jungkook peck her cheek multiple times, then rest his head on her cheek.

These are the time's that make's lisa stay, that keep's her addicted, these little moments of sweetness ,that never fails to make her heart beat crazy.

"i...i love you lisa "jungkook mumbel as he kiss her cheek again. Making her look at him. Lisa then kiss him.

"i love you more gguk"lisa said between the kiss.

"i think those two are bipolar" hobi said as he nudged namjoon.

"they're just. . . Crazier than us i guess "namjoon said.

Jungkook then hugged lisa tightly burrying his head on the crock of her neck. Breathing in her scent calming himself a bit. Lisa kiss the side of his head.

"you don't have to be scared on telling me you love me baby, i will alway's love you to"lisa said beside his ear. Caressing his nape. Jungkook hug her tighter.


Jungkook is carrying lisa like a baby, as the two was laughing like a maniac after a night of drinking ,partying ,drug's, and a killing spree. After there date night.

Jungkook put down lisa, she then just basically crawl to the bed. Throwing her heel's some where in the room. Taking of her shirt to be much more comfortable. Jungkook then take his shirt off then flop on the bed. Looking up at the ceiling.

"hi!." lisa said as she went on top of him. Leaning down, her face just directly above jungkook's face. As she's smiling widely.

Jungkook then peck her forehead creesing her cheek.

"baby. If i leave would you miss me? "lisa asked as she pouted.

"hm-hmm" jungkook only responded.

"if a guy. Like's me. . .you don't mind that right baby?" lisa asked jungkook's eyebrows met.

"i gave you chances to leave. And you didn't take'em so now angel. . .your stuck with me, your mine now. Stop asking stupid questions, your annoying me" jungkook said as he gripped on her hair. Causing lisa to groan a bit.

"im sorry baby"lisa said jungkook then let go of her hair. And push her closer by the nape. Making there lip's meet.

"i love you"jungkook said. As his been saying it more frequently now a day's making lisa fall more.

"i love you more"lisa said as she smiles between the kiss.


Feet can sweat to 20 liters everyday
The more you know 😗😗😗

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