19: her way's

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Lalisa manoban

I have my way's to get more attention from my boyfriend.

My way's to get him clingy,

My way's to get jealous.

And they never fail.

—the ' i had a bad day' —

I looked at his side view as his once again ingulfted, i then pouted. An idea then popped up in my mind,

I then hugged my knees, resting my chin on my knee's. As i sighed.

Not long after a felt him rest his chin on my shoulder.

"are you ok? " he asked a slight pout on his lip's. I looked away from him.

"yeah... I just had a bad day " i said sighing deeply, he then kissed the side of my head. He then let go of the controller and hold my hand.

"baby don't be sad. Let's make it better, what do you wanna do? " jungkook asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, kissing my cheek.

"cook for me maybe. And watch a movie " i said as i fiddle with his hand. A pout still on my lip's.

Today was a pretty good day actually, but what bad can this do?

"anything for my baby " he said just a few inches from my cheek. He then stand and he carried me like a baby. He pecked the side of my head .

I then burry my head on the crock of his neck, smiling lightly. As he just pecked the top of my head.

— talking about another guy—

I was at bambam's place along with jungkook and yugyeom.

Jungkook and yugyeom was playing the video game causing me to be bored.

"Hmm. That's weird" i said as i looked at bambam up and down, he looked at me confused.

"What's weird? "he said.

"you actually look good today. Dare i say handsome " i said, he then roll his eyes.

"i am handsome, you just don't know what handsome is" he said and as he throw me a bag of chip's but i caught it before it hitted my face.

"i do to, i was exploring my explorer page the other day and this ABSOLUTE! god of a man just came up and my body was went OOP— he was a whole—" i was cut off by jungkook. As we met eyes, i see his cold gaze.

"come here" jungkook said  in his intemedating voice, just what i wanted.

I then headed and sat in between his leg's he burry his chin on the crock of mu neck.

"who we're you talking about back there huh manoban? "jungkook asked in his sexy deep voice. I stop myself from gushing over his voice. And just acted cool.

"manoban, im asking you " he said again as he push me closer to him. I then lean on him, kissing the side of his head.

"it was you, one of your pictures popped up on my explore page "i said in a teasing tone. He didn't said anything and just scoffed . I then kiss his cheek multiple times. I then lean my head on his shoulder.

"who said you can stop. Im mad at you remember " he said as he turned to me, pecked my lip's, sucking on my lower lip lightly. Then making me kiss him again.

"you think you can just make me jealous and then act all cute we're all good? Uh-uh you gonna give me kisses till i forget about it " jungkook mumbel quitely angrily. I then just lightly chuckel.

—acting like a bit annoyed of him—

Me, jungkook is at jin and jisoo unnie's house, me and jungkook and some of our friends are in the living room just waiting for the food that there cooking in the kitchen.

As we're just watching a movie. I then glanced at him. I then loosen my hold on his hand. But he didn't notice.

I started letting go of his hand. I just looked back to the tv, but i saw him look at me. I was gonna pull my hand away from his. But he grabbed my wrist. He then lean his cheek on the tip of my shoulder. He then kissed my hand .

"baby" he called for me but i didn't even spare him a glance.

"what did i do? I didn't even do anything, are you mad at me? "he said as he kissed the tip of my hand. Then kiss the back of it, and rest it on his cheek.

"i love you" he said as he glanced at me. As he fiddeled with my other I hand. I then got my hand off his cheek. He then pout more. I started fiddiling with oud promise ring. Then started taking it off. He then groan. And grabbed my hand.

"babbyyy " he whined as he lean his head on the side of my head.

I then just wrapped my arm around his neck, cressing the back of his head.

"i love you more " i mumbel as i peck his lip's. Then started kissing his lower lip ,he then kiss me back. As he intertwined our hand's together.

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