25: the it couple

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lisa and jungkook was labeled as the it couple. As jungkook is  basketball team captain and lisa is the charismatic lead cheerleader. So it made sense that they're label is the 'it couple ' because it seem's that there love story seem's like it came from a movie.

But things isn't alway's happy, as life is that bitch sometime's.

"flowers, and chocolates won't make me discard myself worth" said lisa as she let the flowers fall. As there at the gym. Eye's on them from other students in the gym. Wanting to know the real tea.

"except this chocolate's knowing that this came from a cheating bastard like you,these would taste great" lisa added.

"Ohhhh" said jungkook's team mates as there team captain was just harshly rejected yet again by his now ex.

"Yesss queeennn! "said her team mates as they praised her,

"we're done. Deal with it" said lisa as she was about to walk away when he grabbed her by the wrist. Making her stay.

"i wasn't cheating on you. She set me up! I've told you this. Baby please "jungkook mumbel, lisa just pushed him away,

"you we're shirtless, on top of you. In your own room. Tell me which part was that set up? When i caught you? If you forgot jeon jungkook. Im lalisa manoban. If you think you have hoe's ,you very mistaken, cause every guy what's a piece of me"said lisa in a taunting voice as she look at him with a smirk on her lip's then just walked away.

"WOOHHH!! THAT'S OUR LISA!! "said Lisa's squad said. While jungkook's friends then just pat his back.

"she has a point bro" said his team mates. Jungkook then look at them with a glare.

"I DIDN'T FUCKING CHEAT ON HER ALRIGHT!! "said jungkook in a groan.

"we we'rent talking about you cheating man. We heard she's hooking up with this one guy. "said bambam making turn to him with a killer glare making bambam raise his hand's implying he would back up.

"CHILL!! i wasn't the one who said that, i heard tzuyu and eunji talking about it. " said bambam making jungkook scream in frustration.

Until an idea came to mind.

"bam, gyeom, and gyu aren't your girlfriend's her roommate? " said jungkook a slight smirk on his lip's.


"i swear to god. If we get caught im gonna act like i know absolutely nothing, " said bambam. Mingyu and yugyeom then roll there eye's.

"cause you a snitch, and tzuyu got you wrapped around her finger, your a motherfuck'in simp! "yugyeom said as he pushed him. Bambam then only roll his eyes as he also pushed yugyeom.

"SHUT IT!! now once you get in, distract your girlfriend so they wouldn't notice im sneaking in. So i can talk to lisa in private " jungkook said coldly. Making the three just nod. After a few minutes they then arrive to the apartment shared by tzuyu, jihyo and eun-ji .

As jungkook hide till the girl's open the door.and he waited for bambam to give the signal by texting him. After a few minutes. He got it and sneakily went in. And went inside lisa's room, he heard some sob's. Making his heart ache knowing that that's his doing.

He then open the door, making lisa flustered and just fake sleeping thinking it was once of the girls. Jungkook then went closer to her. And peck the tip of her shoulder,

"i missed you" jungkook mumbel. Lisa then griped on her sheet's. Yet she still closed her eyes. Not wanting to look even tho she really wants to.

"you really think i would cheat on you? You really think i can do that without thinking of you? "jungkook mumbel leaning his head on the side of her head. As he hold her hand tightly.

"baby i know your awake. Please baby" jungkook said in a pleading tone. Lisa then just only open her eyes. With no emotion in them just tears.

"you want me to believe that what i saw with my two eyes was a lie. And believe your word's?? Why should i believe you? Because you say you love me? " lisa mumbel emotionaless. Just keeping it all in.

"because she it's clearly a set up, a unknown number told you to be there ,she's a girl that alway's have liked me. And just convient isn't it? Baby please, "jungkook said as he made her look at him. But lisa turn away.

"why would you let her in then? You could easily push her. You we're stronger than her. But no, even if you don't admit it, you liked it" lisa mumbel while jungkook look at her, jungkook then kiss her cheek.

"if i tell you i didn't, you would say im lying, if i don't saying anything your saying im guilty, baby. . . Believe me, i know your hurting, i am to, i know im the reason why you we're crying, im trying to make it alright, but you wouldn't let me" jungkook said softly.

"i miss my cheerleader " jungkook mumbel as he burry his head on the crock of her neck.

"i miss my baby, i miss you so damn much" jungkook continue as he push her closer. As they are now cuddling,

"jungkook go away, please "lisa said as giving in just to easy ,she doesn't want him to think that she would forgive him easily.

"fine. i'll go, just not that ill do everything to get my baby back. I love you baby"jungkook mumbel as he pecked the side of her head. As he sat. Taking a glance at her. The first time that he said his leaving and her just letting him. What odd thing to see. For him.

"bye baby, i'll see you tomorrow "jungkook mumbel as he stand up.


Girl's havr a heightened sense of smell

The female body has lower resistance to alcohol .

The more you know 😙😙😙

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